Hot days + sweating Canadians = Beach party

Start from the beginning

"Feli?" Ludwig spoke, I looked at him with a grin.

"Are you and Matthew ready?" the German asked.

"Si! Though Matteo fell asleep, but that is-a okay! He can-a sleep on the way!" I said, Gilbert popped up next to the Canadian and picked him up.

"Still a little light but he's getting a bit of weight to him again." Gilbert said, we all sighed at the sweet shy Canadian.

We all climbed in to our cars to leave for the beach. Lovino, Antonio, Ludwig, Matteo and I were in one car. While Gilbert, Eliza and Roderich were in Gilbert's truck. Matteo was in the back sitting between Lovino and Antonio, I took a picture of the three and laughed at Lovino's red face.


When we reach the beach I saw Kiku and Leon setting up a spot on the beach. I jumped out of the car and dashed to the two Asians with a grin.

"KIKU! LEON!!" I called out giving them a very little warning before I pulled them into a hug.

"Kon'nichiwa Feli-kun. ( is that right? Please let me know if it is)" Kiku said, trying to get out of my hug.

"Feli." Leon said looking at me with a emotionless look.

I released them from the hug when Ludwig walked up to us with the others. I saw Matteo on Ludwig's back, sleeping soundly.

"Hello Kiku, hello Leon thank you for coming." Ludwig greeted.

Both Kiku and Leon bowed at the German, I saw Kiku's eyes go to the sleeping Canadian and tilted his head slightly.

"Why is Canada-kun on your back, if you don't mind my asking?" Kiku asked, Leon looked at Matteo with a watchful gaze.

"He fell asleep on Feli before we left." Gilbert said before Ludwig could speak.

The two nodded. We all got to work setting things up, Lovino and I set up a spot for our Canadian friend in a hamic in the shade of the trees. Eliza handed out some sunscreen for us and I walked back over to Matteo to put some on him.

"Feli would you like some help with Matthew?" Leon asked, I looked at him and nodded.

The both of us got to work rubbing the lotion on the pale Canadians legs and feet. It was hard to get the hoodie off so I ran to get Ludwig to help us.

(Canada's Pov)

I groaned when I felt something cold getting rubbed on to my chest and back. A hot breeze felt nice against whatever was being rubbed on. I slowly opened my eyes to see a familiar brunette, Leon, was rubbing sunscreen on to my chest while someone was doing the same to my back.

Leon looked up to see me, I looked at him still being half asleep.

"Hello Matthew." Leon said, I smiled tiredly.

"Bonjour Leon, how *yawn* are you?" I asked, yawning a bit.

"I'm fine, how about you?" he said, I thought about the question for a moment.

"Better now that I'm away from my stupid 'family' *yawn* I like being with Feli, Lovino and their family instead." I mumbled, I was always told that I become a bunt person when I'm tired, rudely awaken or half asleep. Always speaking the truth to anyone who is talking to me... why else I am so good at giving a three hour rants to America.

Leon was taken back by this but I was trying to stay awake and not fall asleep on them. Giggling was heard behind and I knew that Feli was the one behind me. Leon just shook his head and continued rubbing the sunscreen on to my arms now. Feli doing the left arm now.

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