Unexpected guest in Italy!

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(Romano's Pov)

This was stupid! I don't want to be here! My stupid fratello and the Tomato eating moron(I don't swear so none swear names are better!) had to drag me and that Potato eating brat out to a park for a picnic!

I was sitting on the grass munching on a tomato thinking about the last meeting in England, I was worried about my friend Matthew, though I won't say that out loud. I remembered how tired and pale he looked.

I was shaken out of my thoughts when Feli smile fell from his face to a confused look. Potato brat looked at Feliciano with worry the same with the Tomato eating moron. I was about to saw something until I felt it.

"A Nation is here...." we mumbled together.

"A Nation!! Can you tell if they are attacking?" Ludwig asked looking at Feliciano while Antonio looked at me.

"Uh let me check on that... no.. Of course not I don't have any headaches. The Nation feels weak though...." I said trying to pinpoint but couldn't.

"Well let's find this nation and see why they are here then send them back." Ludwig said.

We nodded and packed up Feliciano was sad about the picnic but then smiled declaring that whoever was here that he will feed them pasta. I just hope that it was a nation that I wouldn't mind having around.

We split of in to groups of two to make the search go by faster, Ludwig and Antonio went into town while Feliciano and I went to the Airport encase the nation tried to leave after placing a bomb or something. I really hate that Potato brat sometimes.

(Matthews Pov)

- While the four nations are looking around-

I got off the plane with my things and Kuma in my arms, I felt extremely tired and dizzy. It helped with the water and ginger ale that I got on the plane, the pretzels went to Kuma instead since he need it more then I do.

So I need to get to a hotel and call my boss, but sadly I have no money and I am tired, I really hate my 'Family' I can't wait until I am back in Canada. I sighed and walked outside and walked over to a shaded bench next to some bikes, I sat there and closed my eyes hugging Kuma before drifting off to sleep.

(Romano's Pov)

Feliciano and I were walking around the Airport looking for anyone that we know that is a nation but none showed up inside so we walked out of the Airport, the day was getting hotter by the hour. 

I sighed and needed to sit down somewhere, Feliciano looked like he was going to fall asleep at any given moment.

"Let's-a  take a break from all this-a walking." I grumbled as I glared at the sky.

"Okay Romano!" Feliciano said tiredly.

I lead him over to where I know that there was some benches in the shade out of the hot sun. As we were walking I saw a familiar blonde sitting on the bench sleeping. Feliciano noticed as well, the blonde had a white bear in their arms. 

We walked up to them and we gasped out of shock and pity. Canada was sitting on the bench past out, he looked sickly pale with horrible bruises covering his face and arms. He also looked skinny and not in a healthy way.

"I'll call Luddy!" Feliciano said and pulled out his phone.

I rushed to my friends side and checked his pulse and temperature, his pulse was fast but not dangerous but he was burning up. I felt like I was going to cry one of my good friends that I care was hurt and sick, I was going to send my mafia after who did this, knowing that Feliciano probably would do the same.

(Ludwig's Pov)

-before the call-

Antonio sat on the sidewalk and sighed, I sat down next to him and let out a annoyed sigh. We searched everywhere even the sowers encase they were down there.

"I hope that my Lovi is okay... poor Feli he must be so scared right now." Antonio said with tears in his eyes.

"Feliciano is not in trouble, from what we seen the nation might be passing through." I said rubbing my neck.

"Yeah, your right." Antonio said while he rubbed his legs to get the knots out of them.

My phone started to go off, Antonio and I looked at the caller ID to see 'Feliciano' on the screen. We looked at each other and hoped that it was good news.

"Hello Feli, did you find the nation?" I asked, Antonio looked like he wanted the phone but I glared at him.

"Si! We found-a the nation... but. Luddy It's-a Canada! He is-a hurt real-a bad!" Feliciano cried, I looked at Antonio with wide eyes.

"Call Gilbert." I said before turning my attention back to the crying Italian on the phone.

"Feli we will be there as soon as Gilbert gets us. You are at the Airport right?" I said as calmly as I can, I knew that there was something wrong with the blonde.

"Si, Luddy he looks so-a pale." Feliciano whimpered, I frowned at the statement.

Antonio tapped my shoulder and pointed at my brothers truck that was pulling up to us, both Antonio and I got into the truck.

"To the Airport, fast." I said.

"On it." Gilbert said and we were off.

"Feli we are on our way just hold on." I said.

With a small 've' Feliciano hung up the phone, I turned to Antonio who looked worried.

"Don't worry... their fine it's just who they found is making them worried." I said, Gilbert sped up after that.

(Romano's Pov)

Feliciano walked over with tears in his warm brown eyes, that made me want to hurt who ever hurt Matthew pay dearly. Nobody hurts those who are close to me without punishment.

"Luddy is on his way right now. Is Matteo going to be alright?" Feliciano asked, I looked at him and sighed.

Pulling out some money and handing it over to him.

"Get a water bottle and some cloth of some sort and come right back. I need to cool him down." I said, my fratello nodded before running off.

I looked at Matthew and carefully stroked his bruised cheek, I felt a tear fall but I didn't make a move to dry it. I heard footsteps of my brother come closer to me. Looking up I saw my innocent twin come rushing over with a water bottle and a paper towel.

He handed them over to me and I got straight to work whipping his forehead down from sweat before laying a cool cloth down. Feliciano looked at for Gilbert's truck, while I did this I was muttering a prayer under my breath.

"Romano! Luddy's here!" Feliciano called out, I heard the truck screech to a stop and two doors open with two worried males come out.

"Oh mein gott(oh my gosh/ google translate) hurry get him in the truck!" Ludwig said, I nodded.

Antonio grabbed Matthew's things, Feliciano grabbed Matthew's polar bear, I lifted Matthew up and nearly cried. Matthew was light as a feather, while I could feel some of his bones. I walked over to the truck and looked and Ludwig.

"When I find out who did this to my friend.... they better pray that the Italian Mafia doesn't find their sorry butt's cause they are dead." I said darkly.


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