Kdrama Nightmare Part 19

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Breakfast was somber the next morning. They gathered together, alerted by phone notifications coming in fast and furious about the aftermath of the attack on Shay at the market. News reports and pictures showed the fence around their home currently covered in graffiti and other debris. Angry that Shay had escaped them in the market, the mob had tracked down their house and left messages telling Shay to leave Korea or else. The security measures they had put in place after the first hate note had kept them from getting inside and trashing the house. The anti-fan forum had a current call to arms to drive Shay away with all possible speed.

Jae Wook and Min Woo's agency had released a statement denouncing the attacks and condemning any action against friends. Many other fans also came to Shay's defense. Those who had met her at the fanmeet had only good things to say. CCTV cameras had been able to record some faces of those who had vandalized the house and hunted Shay down in the market and steps were being taken to identify them.

More pictures had shown up of Shay on the anti-fan forums. One could easily tell that they were specifically taken to look like she was trying to flirt with the various male members of the house. Whoever was posting these pictures had clearly been following Shay for a long time as they covered the several weeks she had been in Korea. Anti-fans didn't care if the pictures were true or not. It fed the story they wanted to believe and nothing could persuade them. They were going to teach "the scarred slut" a lesson for daring to come to Korea.

All of this was too much stress for Shay to process. Shay was startled and a little frightened by whoever this person could be who had been following her. This wasn't just some irritated fan, this took work and planning. Someone really didn't like her and had clearly been working hard to get rid of her.

"I hate to bow to bullies, but I'm not healthy enough to deal with this. I came to Korea to relax and enjoy the country. This is too much. One or two upset fans I could deal with, but this? I should probably just go back home." Shay said in a tired voice to everyone. After all these revelations, all she wanted to do was climb back in bed and never wake up again.

"You are not leaving me." Min Woo said as he grasped her hand. His grip making it clear he was never going to let go.

"This is beyond what we could have expected." So Hee said. "There is a narrative out there painting Shay in the worst possible light. I'll make sure my agency denounces these rumors as well. We know the truth even if these kids do not."

"My agency is already working on a statement," Mack said.

"Mine as well." Yoon Woo said. "Shay, are you sure you don't have an enemy that you know of?"

Shay considered this, "I've only been in this country a month, Yoon Woo. The only thing I've done is be on this show. Every move I've made has been recorded. Only my time at the noodle shop was free and the customers like me there."

"Some of these pictures are from the noodle shop when we visited there. With those big windows, anyone could have been watching." Jae Wook said.

"Shay, have you noticed any strange behavior around you lately?" Jung Min asked.

"No more than I've already told you. We've had those high school girls, but I never caught them following me. Some of the people on the bus get a little weird, but once I get off the bus towards home, I'm alone."

"You've never been alone if these pictures are any indication." Jung Min said. "I find it interesting that the only man you seem to not be having an affair with is the one you're actually dating."

"What?" Shay said, looking at the images again. Sure enough, Min Woo was conspicuously absent from any of the images. Everyone gathered to check if Jung Min was right.

A Kdrama Nightmare || CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora