Arthur Parties with Ponies

Start from the beginning

"Have you met Artemis?" I asked.

"Yes, I've personally met each of the gods. As a trainer of heroes for many millenia, I myself have to be in tune with the godly parents and the needs of their children." said Chiron with a smile. "And the Hunters do stay in the Artemis Cabin when they come to camp for visits.  Oh.. and I also do in turn.. know Zoe Nightshade.."

"Right.. her.." I grumbled.

"You don't like her?"

"I don't hate her.. and I don't like her." I said. "On one hand, she is an honorable person who would sooner cut off her own limbs than betray her comrades, but on the other hand I find sexism a very horrible and stupid belief when ruling a kingdom of peers that should be equal.  While I understand men don't have a perfect track record, I have fought with enough honorable men at my side to know Zoe is way out of line.."

"Zoe has had quite a tragic past regarding men." said Chiron. "Do not be too quick to judge her."

"As a former King.. that is hard to do." I admitted. "I will try to take care of that particular flaw.  but there was something Zoe once told me that I find a little disturbing."

"Yes?" said Chiron.

"She said.. there was more than one way for a Maiden Goddess to have a child without breaking her oath.."

"Ahh.. yes.. Annabeth is living proof of that." said Chiron.


"Yes.. Athena also swore herself to maidenhood, though she did not shrink from having romantic relationships with men.. she never actually got pregnant.. rather her children sprung from her pure thoughts.. "

"Right Annabeth told me about that." I said. "but.. if she sprung from PURE THOUGHTS... wouldn't Annabeth be full god?"

"That.. is a very complicated biological question and science that I'm afraid would take at least 4 hours to explain properly." said Chiron. "But to answer your main question, yes there would be ways for Artemis to have children without breaking her own oath.. but I urge you to put that out of your mind.."


"As Zoe also once told you, to have a child would start rumors of Artemis that would hurt her reputation among the Wilds." said Chiron. "As a logical and very cautious goddess, Artemis prefers not to take risks, even for the temptation of mothering her own child to act as her heir."

I sighed with a bit of relief. "So.. I'm not.."

"No.. from what I know, you are indeed the daughter of Igraine and Uther.." said Chiron. "But I can see why Artemis takes a vested interest in you. You two are very much alike in several ways."

"How so?" I said blinking with surprise.

"You're both driven and prefer to operate through reasonable judgement, putting honor ahead of selfish desire." said Chiron.  "You both prefer to fight on the front lines rather than let your subjects go before you.. and I suppose it helps that you both have a quite similar way of looking at people..?"

"looking at people?" I muttered. "how do I look at people?"

"A cold and systematic gaze that also begets kindness I think is one of the better ways of saying it." said Chiron. "Ahhh.. we're here."

Chiron cantered to a halt next to what appeared to be a bunch of trailer homes in the middle of the woods. 

Tons of paint marks.. and shattered bottles suggested this was the site of some pretty wild shindigs.

"Now.. to finally reassure you." said Chiron as my friends dismounted and all the centaurs began whooping around and going wild.  "If you were truly a daughter of Artemis, she would have to claim you.. and out of all the gods, I feel Artemis is the one goddess who would not ever shy away from doing that.. you have not been claimed so I think you can rest easy."

King Arthur and the Olympians: The Sea of MonstersWhere stories live. Discover now