Chapter 6 // Skipped

Start from the beginning

"It's fine. You guys won't take that long right?" Sammy said. I nodded. Luke stood up from his seat and followed me to the elevator. "Can we eat in the outside tables?" Luke asked me when we were inside the elevator. I nodded my head.

Luke went straight to the outside tables. I had to get him his cereal, and my bacon and eggs in one trip.  I put the tray on the table then sat down. I looked at Luke. His left arm was behind him. "What are you hiding behind your back?" I asked him.

"Nothing." He instinctively said. I glared at him. He glared back at me. "Alright fine. Don't tell me." I rolled my eyes. He smirked in success. He lifted his left arm. The thing in his hand was a cigarette?!

"Luke! You smoke?!"

"Sort of."

"You know that thing can kill you right?"

"Gray, calm down. I smoke when I feel like it."

"So you're not addicted?"

"No. Well not technically. I could stop whenever I want. But the point is I only smoke when I'm in a bad place. For example, if school is being hard on me, I smoke a cigarette. I haven't smoked since I moved here." He lit the cigarette as he finished. I watched him intently. He took a long drag of the cigarette and blew out a cloud of smoke. "Have you ever smoked, Gray?" He asked. I shook my head no. I was too embarrassed to speak. "Here take a puff." He handed me his cigarette. I brought the stick to my lips. I took a short puff and started coughing. "I forgot to tell you not to inhale it unless you're used to it. Oops." He smirked. He took the cigarette back, took another long drag then threw it on the floor. We ate our breakfast in silence. When we were done, I finally built up the courage to ask him. "Why did you smoke right now? You said you only do it when things are hard for you."

We walked into the elevator as Luke shook his head. "The hospital brings back memories that I want to forget but it seems like I can't."

"Memories about who? Or what?"

"My dad.." Luke choked out.

"What happened to your dad?" The elevator dinged, notifying us that we were on Sammy's floor. "That's another story for another time, Gray." Luke chuckled. We walked into Sammy's room and saw the doctor with Sammy.

"Oh, hello. I was just telling Sammy, he could go home now." The doctor said, walking out the door. I handed Sammy his clothes so he could go get changed. "What should we do with Sammy?" Luke asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I don't want to go back home. Let's do something fun with him." Luke smiled. "Like what?" I asked.

"We could go to the movies, we could go to the park, and we could go to wherever he suggests."

"Can we go to the movies?!" I heard Sammy exclaim. "What movie?" Luke asked Sam.

"Hunger Games!!"


After signing all the papers to release Sammy, we drove to the movies. These movies are the eat-in movies. Where you order what you want to eat and you could eat it while you're watching the movie. I paid for my ticket while Luke insisted to buy Sammy's ticket. It was already noon so we were starving. The hospital food was disgusting just saying. Luke and Sammy were talking about how a guy yelled at Luke at Game Stop. "Luke, why did you get yelled at?" I interrupted.

"Oh, well apparently I'm not supposed to babysit during work hours." He ran a hand through his hair. "So you got fired?" I asked him.

"Technically." He mumbled. The waiter came to get our food orders. "I'll have a cheeseburger." I said. Luke got a chicken sandwich while Sammy got chicken tenders. The trailers before the movie started to play. So we had to stop talking. During the first trailer I heard a ding from my phone go off, notifying me I have a text message. Some people shushed me. I turned the sound off and lowered the brightness. I had a text from an unsaved number.

Smart // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now