Chapter 4 // Halloween Bash

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Chapter 4 // Halloween Bash

"Woah, Dani. What happened to you?"  Violet asked as I got into her car. "Violet, you've asked me this every morning since Wednesday."

"Well I'm sorry. You know I have a memory spam of a goldfish." She argued.

"Well, I told you that my sleeping schedule is messed up." I replied.

It was Friday morning. 3 days since I've babysat with Luke. I've had to babysit the twins without Luke since then. I usually sleep at 10:30 but I've been sleeping at 12:30 maybe ever one. I didn't even put an effort into looking decent. I probably look like a zombie.

"Here." Violet passed me her make-up bag.

"Thanks Vi. You're a lifesaver."

"I've been told." She flipped her hair sarcastically. I apply anti-puffiness cream under my eyes. I use her nude eye shadow palette. After applying that, I looked decent. Just as I finished, Violet parked the car. We got out of the car and then walked into school. I heard everyone talking about the same subject, Some Halloween dance. Crap. Halloween was tomorrow. I finally made it to my locker. Before I could put my combination in, I heard Ashton call me. "Hey Dani. Wanna go last-minute-Halloween-costume-shopping?" He asked.

"Sure." I replied.

"Today after school, we'll drive to the store." He said before he left. Ashton and I used to do this before him and Violet started going out. I closed my locker after getting my books and headed to homeroom.


Before I knew it, it was lunchtime. I saw at my usual table with Ashton and Violet. To my surprise, Luke's table was empty besides some of the girls that hand around them half the time. I went to throw out my lunch, but got pushed to the ground. "Hey watch where you're going Smartie!!" I heard Michael yell. I picked myself up then sat back at my table. "You okay?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I scoffed. I hit my knees pretty hard. Thank god I put my hands out to help me not fall on my face. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please!" Michael yelled. He was standing on a lunch table. He was also wearing a red cape and a black eye mask. "We, by we I mean Calum and I, are happy to announce that our old friend Luke Hemmings has passed initiation!!" He yelled causing, some of the senior class to clap. Most of the claps were coming from the huge table of girls. Calum and Luke climbed onto the tables next to Michael. They were also wearing capes and masks. "As you all know, Michael and I always have an annual Halloween Bash! So tomorrow night, all of the senior class is invited to our Halloween Bash!!" Calum yelled, this time causing all of the senior class to cheer. (Except my table)

"Invitations are placed in your lockers. That's how you will get in." Luke smirked. He was standing directly in front of my lunch table. I saw him look at me. I glared at him while he gave me a wink. Everyone was talking about the party as the bell rang for 6th period. I went to get my books for my afternoon classes from my locker. As I opened my locker, a card fell from the top shelf. I picked it up to read it.

"You're invited to the Halloween Bash!

Place: 827 Ridge Road (Calum's House)

Time: 6 PM

When: Saturday October 31st

**Costumes necessary**"

I usually never go to these things. So I'll end up staying home. I slipped the card into my sweater's pocket. After I got my books, I headed to literature class.


The bell for homeroom rang. Thank god my school gives us a three-day weekend for Halloween. They probably 50% of our school will get high and drunk so they need an extra day to 'recover'. I walked into homeroom, quickly getting to my seat in the back.

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