I'm Faded, Bottles Breaking.

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I slumped down and threw up. It felt much worse than ever and I was starting to feel cold. I shivered and threw up, over and over. It felt so bad. My insides were twisting and burning rapidly, and I thought I was going to die.

Not that I have a problem with it.

When I've finally settled down, I've felt much weaker than ever. I barely limped towards the door when it opened on its own. Alex stood on the doorway, his face was fixed with worry. "Stella. You alright?" he asked me softly. "Y-Yeah, I'm sorry for acting like a rude bitch awhile ago."I forced an apologetic smile, and tried to take a step forward. Pain seeped and throbbed in my head. I felt myself wobble and I fell down."Whoa! Watch out!" he shouted in alarm, quickly running forward to catch me. My vision darkened, and I passed out.

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