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Thursday, June 7

Today I just felt alone. My feelings have been taking control of me. I don't want to talk to anyone because of it.
I just feel so alone and cold inside. Like I'm the only one who loves me. Which it probably true. But, I don't even love myself.
              I know one of my friends reads this book. She know what I've been going through. Yet, she's the person I feel so alone around because she's so happy when her other friend comes and she hugs her and everything. And, I'll be gone the exact same time. And all I get is a "Hi" and then she goes and showers AB with love.
                I feel replaced. Forgotten. A thrown out piece of trash. A pet at a pet store that people look at and say "hi" then walk away to get the next pet. And I'm just waiting there. Trying to find the right person. To maybe love me. But, around this time I've lost all hope.
                I... can't take this fucked up world anymore. It's a piece of trash. One that I'm forced to live in. I don't want to live here. I just want to be happy for once. Yet I feel like I can't.

There was no light. Just darkness.

                             End of Entry:8

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