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Wednesday,May 23

               S told me that people care about me. As if. She told me that I shouldn't cut. Nor die. So I have a message for her. 

                 My dearest, S (77776663334442),

                     Yeah,life has been pretty shit like to me. I told you about this story so I wouldn't have to tell you all this fucking shit I've been going through. You..kinda seem like you don't care about this though. When I told you that I have cut my thigh,you only cared about if I washed it. Yes,I did. I cut in the shower with a razor.

                     I saw that you were happier when AB came back. Maybe,I don't really matter? I can't help but think that. You know. Sometimes,it does seem that way. Like,I don't matter.

                     You joke about depression at school. It makes me feel empty. I feel like a bomb about to go off any minute now. And,when I go off,I don't have to be in this hell-hole of a world anymore. I've talked with M about how I feel when people joke about depression. She agrees.

                     That will be all S. I don't ever expect you to write a letter back. But,if you do. Say how much of a southern mother fucking democratic republican I am.

                                Love,your son of a bitch friend,Cambria.

I use music to drown out the world.                                                                                                                              I hate how much of a bitch it is.                                                                                                                                     

Do you ever think when you die,will you ever be spoken about again?

Light tomorrow raley comes.

                       End of Entry:4

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