Ch. 26: The Ballad of Risus Schneid

Start from the beginning

"And from there you knew all about demons?"

"I slowly learned Dark's plan. He wanted complete control of the world. To break free from the grip humans held on their demons. He wanted the help of Risus, Anti, and Die."

"And Paps refused."

"Multiple times. He was against it. He wanted a normal life. A family. It's what I wanted, but no matter what happened, Dark came to us. I never knew their personal relationship, but I do know Dark did not like me. He thought I was a — distraction."

(Y/n) paused. "How did Papy die?"

"It's the day I truly felt at war with Dark." Rosie took a deep breath. "It had been several years since, the negotiations had begun taking place. Dark had opened up a portal that allowed all demons to finally escape the pits of hell to take over their humans. This unleashed a wave of power that we couldn't handle." Rose coughed slightly.

"Nana, drink your water, please."

The old woman nodded and grabbed the glass of water next to her, drinking it slowly then continued. " It was the meeting of our last negotiation, and we were getting ready to leave. We had paperwork signed over the approval of creating a neutral world. He wished to speak to Risus alone, to catch up. He left the room, with me still inside with other leaders. It was a trap. One by one they began closing in on me. By this point, I was trained to fight, but myself against several other demons? Suicide. I was beaten badly, but Risus heard my yells and banging. He came into the room and killed all the demons with pure rage flowing through him. He took me and blurred me back to our home. He was hurt, but not as bad as I. I was bleeding from my chest, and I was losing blood fast. He made a very bold decision at that point."

"What do you mean he made a bold decision?"

"It's what caused his death. When a demon has it's own physical form, he can choose what he does with that power. He decided to mend our souls together. In doing so he would cease to exist, but I would survive, and even more."

"So Paps absorbed his soul into yours so you could live?"

"He did, and I always felt close to him. He is part of me now, and I couldn't be happier." Rose placed a hand on top of hers. "In my heart, I believe that a small piece of his soul -- whatever is left -- reached out to you (Y/n)."

"So if everything you're saying is true —" (Y/n) paused. "That means I'm — part demon."

She couldn't believe it. The creatures she was fighting were part of her. She was part of it. A human with demon DNA flowing through her veins. She needed a moment to process the information. She no longer felt like she was the "best" simply because she trained. There had to be an unfair advantage somewhere. 

Rosie wasn't finished though. "The genetics of a demon are very strong. Overwhelming. I've watched my children, and their children etcetera develop through the years showing abnormalities."

"You mean they have like — demon — abilities?"

"Quite possibly. I believe its something needed to be unlocked, but I've never seen it take place so I have no idea."

(Y/n) stared down at the floor. "I have demon DNA through my veins."

"As does your father, your brother, and his children."

"Can I use it?"

"I doubt it, lass." Anti sighed. "It's been passed down so much through each generation. I'm sure it's diluted."

Rose then spoke up. "That is a possibility, but hybrids are something we know little to nothing about. A demon is more powerful while occupying a human host, but to have pure DNA running through their veins...Mixed together.."

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