Interview/National Broadcast

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"Thanks Jay!" Mal said before she was signaled to be brought onto the set for the national broadcast. "Good Afternoon Lady Mal." "Good Afternoon Lady Pearl." Mal greeted with a bow of her head. Lady Pearl showed Mal her seat and she thanked her before taking her seat next to Ben. "So, Lady Mal, everyone's been wondering all over Auradon, who you really are." Lady Pearl spoke loud and clear to the cameras. "I can only imagine." Mal said with a smile. "How was that like for you, now that you know everyone knows that you have a son, and kept it from the King?" "It doesn't feel too welcoming, knowing that the kingdom is blaming me for my secrets." Mal answered.

"Actually, multiple kingdoms are awaiting this interview, and we have been informed to have important, business questions asked and answered, right here and now." "Go right ahead." Mal told Lady Pearl. Lady Pearl nodded, and she crossed her legs. "Lady Mal, could you tell us about Jafar?" "All you need to know about Jafar, is that he's a dirty, master-mind criminal, with a master parrot named Iago." "What role does Iago play in your situation?" "Iago is sort of like a GPS machine, except in bird form. He finds, and does Jafar's bidding to get crackers, which is how Jafar could always find me. Jafar, had revenge to score with my mother, and doing bad things to me, meant he could get revenge on my mother. But lucky me, my mom didn't care about me from the day I was born."

"What are the terrible things that Jafar has done to you?" "Physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual misconduct, and rape." Mal answered. "And this all happened once over 15 years?" Lady Pearl asked with a smirk. "Of course not." Mal answered shaking her head. "Has Jafar left any scars on you?" "Yes. Thousands of them all over my body." Mal said to Lady Pearl. "Where?" She asked. "Everywhere." "Even on your lady parts?" Lady Pearl asked. Mal shut her eyes and nodded. "Has Ben seen them?" Mal shook her head. "Who has seen any of your scars before?" "My three best friends." Multiple people let out gasps and other yelled out words aimed at Mal, that weren't used nicely. "Listen here, how many of you Auradon born people, have been the victim of physical and verbal abuse?" Mal asked the entire room. No one raised their hands. "What about Sexual Misconduct?" Again, no one raised their hands. "What about Rape?" Mal asked again. "That's exactly what I thought. You have no reason to be judging me, when none of you know what its like. It's torture living with secrets like these, that way your spirits down, and make you want to just curl up and die. 99% of the people in this room were Auradon born. Nothing bad happens here. The worst thing that I've heard someone complain about here, is their parents taking away their cell phones, or grounding them because they got a detention or whatnot. I say this, at least you have a family, and a nice place to live, where your family loves you. None of the people in Auradon, not even the ones that think they have it rough, have it rougher than the people on the Isle of the Lost."

"What does that mean?" Lady Pearl asked. "It means you guys have it easy. Not once, have I thought about the difference in our lives. I've heard the things you say behind my back about me, how cold I seem, how secretive I am, how distant I look. That's because of the Isle. You don't trust people there. You can't, because they will literally stab you in the back for food that's rotten. How many of you here, can honestly tell me, that you've eaten rotten food before, by choice? None of you, except for my three best friends. That's right people. The kids on the Isle of the Lost either starve, or kill each other for food. You're lucky if you find a partner, to be your partner in crime on the Isle. It's a rough place to live. You haven't seen hell, unless you've been to the Isle of the Lost." Mal said.

"Did you ever like what Jafar did to you?" Lady Pearl asked. "I don't believe this is a question that an adult would ask. I've never enjoyed anything on that Isle. If you all think I'm honestly that big of a slob, that I'd like what has been done to me, then you can just leave this room. This is called assault, not a happy time with friends. None of you have been assaulted, so keep your fat traps out of business you know nothing about." Mal said before standing up, and walking off the set.

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