Is She Dead????

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"MAL!" Evie, Jay, and Carlos screamed as they saw her collapse on the pavement. The cameras were starting to swarm around them, but Evie held them off, as Jay and Carlos crouched around Mal's almost lifeless body. "He deserves to die. He deserves to die for all the pain he caused us." Mal said and shrieked as the pain overtook her body. "Mal, I didn't know you'd take your word about killing my dad seriously. You didn't need to sacrifice yourself for your best friends." Jay said taking her hand. Mal gripped it so hard and Carlos cradled his mother's head. "Carlos, just know, I love you. Even though Jafar may have caused this, I'm glad you're the good thing that came out of that situation." Mal said and she shut her eyes and gasped. The tears were running down her face. "I love you too Mom!" Carlos said and kissed his moms forehead, with his own tears running down his face.

"Jay, I'm glad the road for Jafar ended like this. That lifeless sack of shit deserved what he got! I don't care what happens to me, but you're going to be cured. Your nightmares won't last much longer, I'd say a few weeks at most, and they'll be gone, as soon as Jafar's soul is lost in the pit of Hell. I'm sorry our relationship has to end in this way, but I love you." Mal said and gasped again. Jay repeated the phrase, and kissed her forehead. "Evie, I'm sorry for being harsh sometimes. I love you. You're the closest thing to a sister I have, and sisters fight. I'm sorry I didn't trust you completely before now, but I've learned to trust you completely, and I don't want any of you three to mourn over me. I'm dying for you three, so you can have happy lives. I love all three of you." Mal said and gasped. She shut her eyes, and two more tears escaped her eyes, and ran down her cheeks, before Jafar's body glitched and turned into the regular Jafar. "Jay! Jay! Jay, help me!" He called and Jafar stood up. "No! You probably killed my best friend! I hate you!" Jay yelled and Evie handed him the knife that Mal had discarded. Jay shook his head. "He's going to burn in the fires of Hell anyway. Why make him suffer more." "Jay, avenge my mother." Carlos pleaded with his face covered in tears, and Jay nodded after a moment.

Instead of going for Jafar, Jay gently picked up the golden cobra that was discarded in front of Jafar. "Hey dad, I learned this from Mal!" Jay yelled and he started smashing the staff in front of his dad, and then took out a knockoff genie lamp he had stolen off the isle and destroyed it. Jafar started screaming, and he died within a few minutes. Jay wiped the tears off his face and kicked his father in the face. He went back to Mal and he looked up into the eyes of Belle. "Help her. Please." Jay pleaded. Carlos was curled up into his mother's side, and Mal was holding on to him with her eyes closed. Medical attention was brought and Evie, Jay, and Belle had to pry Carlos away from Mal. "NO!!! NO!!! LET ME GO!!! I NEED MY MOM!!!" Carlos yelled and broke down in Evie's arms. Evie ran her fingers through Carlos's curls, and Mal was brought off on a stretcher into the separate medical building on campus.

Ben came running up, and Belle gasped. She crushed her son in a hug, and Ben saw Carlos, Evie, and Jay on the ground. "What's going on?" Ben asked. "We'll explain later, but for now, just be grateful your mother isn't on her way to the medical wing with a foot long knife through her stomach." Beast said and Carlos choked out a big sob. "What are you talking about?" Ben asked. "It's Mal. Ben, they don't think she's going to live." Evie said softly. Jay's fists clenched up as he looked over at the fallen body of Jafar. Ben followed Jay's line of vision, and he saw Jafar. Ben made a noise that sounded like he had an actual frog caught in his throat. "My dad passed himself off as you, and ticked Mal off pretty badly, and she fought him. He was coming for me and Carlos, and she fought him off, and ended up winning, but with a foot long knife coming out of her stomach." Jay said.

"Why you and Carlos?" Ben asked. "Because he loves to torture Mal in anyway as possible. Me because I'm his 'failure' of a son, and Carlos because he's the outcome of Jafar hurting her." Jay explained. "Carlos is Mal's son?" Ben asked in shock. "Yep. The only good thing that actually came from my dad." Jay said and ruffled Carlos's hair. "Jafar, got Mal pregnant?" Ben asked and Jay nodded. "No wonder why she hates talking about him." Ben said and Jay nodded again. "What should we do to pass the time?" "For starters, distract Carlos. He's taking it much worse than everyone else." Jay whispered to Ben. Just as Jay said that, Doug came out into the clearing, chasing after a seemingly wild dog. The exact dog Carlos loved; Dude.

Dude scampered over to Carlos, and started licking his cheek ,but whined when Carlos didn't respond. "Carlos, look who's here." Evie said gently tilting Carlos's head to see Dude. Carlos picked up the dog, and cuddled him, crying into his fur. One of the medical doctors that Fairy Godmother had gone with came out to the circle. "Carlos, Jay, Evie, and Ben, I have a request to bring you four back to the medical station, as soon as possible." The doctor said. The four of them nodded, and Carlos handed Doug Dude. "Please take care of him." Doug nodded and Carlos, Jay, Evie, and Ben followed the doctor in a silky light blue suit to Mal's medical station.

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