The End of Jafar

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"Do you actually like me? I feel like if you did, we wouldn't have this problem of me being close to Jay all the time!" Mal yelled. "Were you two making out?" "NO!" Mal exclaimed with an exasperated sigh. "Then explain it all to me!" Ben screamed and Mal glared at him. "I'm never going to talk about it! I hate talking about it, and it's not something that should be talked about!" Mal said clenching her fists together. "Why are you so serious? Has Jafar beaten you too?" "YES! We told you last night! I've been on receiving end of things, and I'd shut your mouth if I were you! You're acting rashly!" "What are you, my mom?" Ben with flaring anger. "I'm not your mother!" "Then why are you acting like one? Always being concerned about your best friends, and not caring about class. Constantly protecting Jay, Carlos, and Evie, and always being so close to them!" "I'm not their mother!" Mal shouted.

A crowd of students and paparazzi had gathered around Ben, Mal, and Jay, and had heard the entire fight. Jay was trying to pull Mal away from the fight, but she planted her feet in place, and refused to move. "THEN WHY DO YOU ACT LIKE ONE!!!???" Ben screamed at her and a nasty frown appeared on her face. "Because I am one." She hissed at him. Ben's mouth fell open as he processed Mal's words. "Did you say, you are a mother?" Ben asked and Mal nodded, daring him to speak against it. "With who did you have a child with? Jay? Carlos?" "Don't even go there. You perfectly know who." Mal snapped. "Yeah. Jay." Ben spit out.

"No. He's not the father. It's his dad. Jafar." "How dare you!" Ben yelled. "You think I wanted to be a mother at this age! Of course not! I'm 17 Ben! I thought you would've used your stupid brain to picture it all together without me telling you straight out! Apparently what they say about blonde's in Auradon is true, they're so stupid they can't think straight." Mal said, her anger flaring, tripling by the second that Ben opened his mouth. "What are you getting at?" Ben asked. "JAFAR FORCED IT YOU IDIOT! I DIDN'T WANT TO BE PREGNANT AT AGE 14!!! JAFAR RAPED ME YOU DOLT AND YOU'RE SO STUPID YOU CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT!!!!!!" Mal screamed right in his face. "So that's why you refuse to talk about the whole situation." Ben said. Mal didn't say anything, and Carlos and Evie came running up, breaking the circle to get to Jay, Mal, and Ben. Evie took Jay by the arm, and pulled him out of the circle of people.

Carlos took hold of Mal's bicep and tried pulling her. "Come on Mal. Before you get hurt." Carlos said. Ben swore he heard Carlos say a different word instead of Mal. He swore it was the word mom. Mal and Carlos were headed towards Evie and Jay, when Ben grabbed Mal's wrist and said, "Hold. Up. Just. A. Minute." He said through gritted teeth. "What do you want now?" Mal snapped out at him. "Who's your kid?" "Excuse me?" "I said, who's your kid." Ben said, his blue eyes boreing into her green eyes. "It's none of your business." Mal said turning away. "Is it Carlos?" Ben blurted out. Mal turned around and glared at him. She didn't say anything and Ben gasped. "Carlos is your son? HOW?" Ben screamed all over again. "Magic. That's what. I didn't need everyone to know that. Magic made him 14. Cruella is his cover mother. Now, let go of me, and you'll go without injury." Mal hissed. Ben let go of her wrist, and Mal gasped as she looked at Ben. Mal looked at Carlos, "Who do you see standing in front of me?" She whispered. "J...J...J...Jafar." Carlos whimpered. "That's what I thought. Get to Jay and Evie. Get Jay out of here." Mal said pushing Carlos towards Evie and Jay. Mal balanced her weight on her feet, keeping an eye on Carlos, and an eye on Jafar.

Mal immediately knew what happened. Jafar's magic focus was broke through for just a moment, to reveal it was him. Jafar had escaped the isle, and used magic to make him have the appearance of Ben, and was fighting with Mal. He had revealed Mal's biggest secret that Carlos was her son, and she wanted this man dead. Jafar sneered at her, knowing she knew that he was there. "Jay! Come here!" Jafar yelled in Ben's voice. He advanced forward and Mal screamed, "NO!" She tackled Jafar, and wrestled him to keep him away from Jay. "Get out of here! You'll get killed! Evie, Carlos, get Jay and yourselves out of here! Go, somewhere anywhere, just not here! Go! Don't worry about me, just go!" Mal screamed as Jafar swung his fist over and Mal in the eye. Mal and Jafar started fighting and Jay, Evie, and Carlos couldn't move. They were frozen in the moment. "It's dad." Jay said, his face turning a pale shade of white. "Let's get back farther in case something happens." Evie said bringing both boys back about 10 feet.

Mal was winning the fight, until Beast came in and knocked her over. "Don't get me you idiot! Get him! He's the monster!" She screamed and Belle pulled her husband out of the middle of the circle as she saw the hatred look in Mal's eyes. "Mal! You've got to stop this!" Belle called out. "Me? You should stop him! Not me!" Mal yelled as Jafar swung at her again, but she ducked and yanked his leg out from under him as he went to kick her in the gut. Jafar toppled. "I hate you! All the years of suffering and pain are coming to an end. I hope you like hell!" Mal exclaimed and at the same time she yelled that, a knife went clean through her stomach and stuck out the other side of her body. Mal called him something unintelligible, and she took out her own knife, but decided against it, and threw it aside. "I'll say hi to Jesus for you!" She screamed at Jafar as her blood dripped on his face. She stomped on his face, and she cast a spell to bound him to the ground with invisible ropes. "You hurt Jay too much, and me as well. You're lucky I love my son!" She screamed and another spell made Jafar writhe in pain. A wound appeared on Jafar, in his stomach, right where his heard should be.

Mal didn't feel herself bleeding out in front of live tv, or hear anyone screaming her name, or Carlos screaming in pain. She only felt the joy, that Jafar was dying. She didn't care what would be said, that man deserved to be dead.

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