Harry hummed in approval and leaned against Liam, mouthing at his neck. The younger lad grunted and pushed Harry off, leading him up the stairs to their room after keeping hold of their shirts. Harry smiled and pulled Liam in their room and shut the door behind them as he kissed his husband hungrily.

"Stop, Harold. Let's just go take a shower and a nap. We both need it," Liam scolded him.

"We're taking a shower together?" Harry asked excitedly, pulling Liam in the bathroom before the other could even reply.

"You wouldn't have taken a shower without me anyway," the brown-eyed lad mumbled, pulling his joggers and boxers off as he ignored Harry's lustful stare. "Take off your clothes, Styles."

"So demanding and sexy. I love it."

While they 'took a shower', their kids downstairs refused to even go up to their rooms, just in case their parents were at 'it' again. Of course, they were right, but they didn't have to know for sure at the moment.

"How long do you think they'll be at it?" Ethan asked cautiously.

"Until Papa's satisfied and probably knocked Dad up with triplets," Claire muttered in reply.

"Triplets? We don't need three more siblings that are the same age! It's already bad enough with you two being twins!" Dylan complained, earning glares from them. "What? It's true!"

They just rolled their eyes at him and continued to eat some crisps as they watched a movie that happened to be on TV. Unfortunately, they swear they could hear their... Dad letting out some noises that they surely didn't need to hear. Ethan covered his ears in annoyance, while Claire and Dylan gagged and turned up the volume on the TV.

When that went on for another minute, they lost it and stood up from the couch. They could still here some inappropriate noises upstairs, making them angrier and more annoyed.

"I can't do this anymore! It's too much!" Ethan shouted.

"They're so gross! They know we're down here, trying to be perfect kids for them. And they're at it like freaking rabbits!" Claire added loudly.

"And you know what makes this worse?" Dylan questioned, looking at the twins with wide eyes. "We just sat on the same couch they did 'it' on! We're infected now! We're actually gonna die and there's nothing we can do about it!"

A silence fell on them, frozen from shock in realization. Then after a minute, they jumped away from the couch and started screaming. Like, really screaming their lungs off.

Ethan and Dylan were louder than their sister, shuddering as they tried to wipe off any 'remains' from their fathers' 'sexcapades'. Claire just tried to take in deep breaths after screaming initially, in order to remain as calm as possible, after this realization.

"We are so forever scarred," she muttered in disbelief. "I'm actually scared of not forgetting about this. Like, ever."

"I'd rather die now than have to remember all of this for the rest of my life. Anyone have something sharp? Just poke me to death, but make it quick, so it doesn't hurt that much," Dylan suggested desperately, shaking the twins' shoulders.

"I wanna take a shower to clean their 'stuff' off. I can't live like this, guys," Ethan added with wide, frantic eyes.

"Do you guys feel that? It's like, the walls are closing in on us," Dylan muttered as his eyes looked at the whole room. "And they're like, talking and trying to tell us to run for our lives now. We should listen to them, right? We might have a chance to survive this."

Alive [Lirry] EDITING!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon