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"You always thought this wasn't a good idea, didn't you?" Liam demanded.

"I never said even said that!" Harry argued.

"You implied it!" Liam shouted back. "I can't believe you think that about our own child! This isn't the first time you've complained about how I treat our children! And this one isn't even born yet!

He then stormed off, heading for the front door of their house. Harry followed after him desperately, because this can't be happening again, Harry thought to himself, I'm not letting Liam try to walk out on me again. I can't lose him.

"Li, wait! Please," Harry said as he grabbed Liam's wrist.

"Why should I?" Liam asked in anger, trying to pull away from his husband. "You're just gonna go on about how 'annoying' it is when I pay more attention to our kids! You haven't changed one bit, have you?"

"I have! Look, Liam. Please just listen to me, okay?"

Liam sighed and nodded slightly, indicating that he would listen. Harry let out a sigh of relief and held onto Liam's hands tightly.

"This wasn't gonna be easy. Any of this. I knew that. After we found out you were pregnant for sure, I really couldn't be happier. And yeah, I get that we have to wait for you to have this baby before I turn you, but that's fine; I already said that. I knew this pregnancy wasn't gonna be easy for you and I. I knew we would get into fights about stupid stuff - "

"So now our children are 'stupid' to you?" Liam interrupted harshly.

"No! That's not what I meant - Just let me explain. You said you'd listen, remember? Just please," Harry begged.

"You're just making everything worse!" Liam argued, finally pulling free from Harry's grip.

Harry shook his head at that and held onto Liam's shoulders. Before Liam could protest again, Harry spoke up everything he's been meaning to say and has finally found the words for it. He just hopes they're the right ones.

"I love you, Liam James Payne-Styles. I will never stop loving you. You make me feel Alive, even though I'm a vampire. And you know I've been one for a long time. You're the only person that's been able to do that, and you're the only one that will ever do that to me. I wouldn't and couldn't ask for anyone else. And there's no one I want more than you," he sighed before continuing.

"We'll get through this. I promise you that, Li. We'll get through anything. Just please don't ever leave me. I won't be able to live through the loss of you."

And so the story between Lirry continues...

Harry waits as patiently as he can for Liam to have their third and final child.

Liam, on the other hand, is still very human and still very caring of his children; especially the one on the way.

Unfortunately, things get complicated with his second pregnancy and puts their marriage to question.

The question is: Will they be able to pull through this time?

Or will this be the last straw that will finally drift Lirry apart?

Find out in "Alive", the next sequel to this Vampire Trilogy.


Alive [Lirry] EDITING!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora