Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 


"You want to name the baby what?" Louis asked in disbelief.

"Didn't you hear him? He clearly said 'Gemma'," Harry's older sister said with a laugh. "Nothing is wrong with that. Right, Niall?"

"Of course not, darling," Niall said dreamily., practically drooling over her.

Liam rolled his eyes and said, "I didn't even say that, Gemma. I'm not naming my child after you."

"Yeah. We don't even know what the baby's gender is yet," Louis argued.

"Why not, Liam? I have a great name! Ask Harry!" Gemma demanded, gesturing to her brother. "Harry, tell your husband how wonderful my name is."

"Gem, we're not naming our child after you," Harry said tiredly.

His sister scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Rude. Both you and your husband. At least Niall knows how to treat me right."

"Cuz he likes sleeping with you," Louis muttered as he rocked Ian in his arms.

"And he's the father of your baby," Harry added.

That earned a laugh out of Louis and they pounded fists. "That, you are right about, Haz."

"Excuse me? Niall, did you hear what they just said?! They're insulting me!" Gemma shouted at Niall as she stood up, hand on her large belly. But he just blinked at her in confusion. "Well, do something!"

"What do want me to do exactly?" he asked, looking up at her.

"Wrong thing to say, Ni," Liam whispered with a shake of his head in disapproval.

Niall tilted his head to the side, giving a questioning gaze at Liam. But Gemma growled at Niall, pulling him up by the front of his shirt. He screamed, then covered his mouth quickly to avoid another embarrassing sound from himself.

"Listen up, Horan. You're the freaking father of my baby, and you will defend me against these other idiots," she snarled at him with narrowed eyes. "Do you understand? Cuz you better."

"Y- yes, sir! I- I mean, Ma'am!" Niall responded, quickly correcting himself. "Yes, Ma'am!"

"Good. Now, let's go have sex," Gemma said brightly suddenly, pulling Niall up and towards the front door.



Following after Gemma in a daze, Niall asked, "Uh, why? Not that I'm complaining, cuz sex with you is amazing. But, I thought you were mad at me."

"Well, I realized that you're quite sexy when you're scared of me," she replied simply.

"That's 'sexy' to you?" Liam asked as they walked out door.

"Yup! Now, I advis all of you to not go outside to the driveway any time soon. I mean it! We're gonna gave sex in his car!" Gemma called back as she blew a kiss and waved.

They were both out the door before they heard the protests of the others. El and Liam gagged, while Harry, Louis, and Zayn cheered for Niall. Liam scoffed at them for being so loud and immature.

"Hey, idiots! He's not here anymore! He can't hear you!" he shouted.

"Niall's still getting it though," Louis said with a laugh. "He's getting more than me, to be honest."

Alive [Lirry] EDITING!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें