Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 

"Uh, Dad? Papa?" Dylan called out from outside Lirry's bedroom, feeling very nervous. "I - um, I have to tell you both something."

Liam opened the door then, looking at his son curiously before calling Harry behind him and telling his husband to come downstairs with them. Dylan gulped and led the way down the stairs, feeling his heart pound in his chest. Harry eyed his son suspiciously from the back, narrowing his eyes at the sound of Dylan's heart racing.

"Why are you so nervous, Dylan? Did you do something you shoudn't have again?" Harry questioned.

"Harold, don't jump to conclusions," Liam scolded him, although he, too, felt worried about what Dylan was about to tell them. Whatever the news was, their son was clearly nervous to tell them about it.

"You need to sit down for it," Dylan said as they finally reached the living room.

The twins were already there, sitting the one couch together, both looking scared as Abby sat on the other and much bigger couch by herself. Liam smiled at Abby, taking a seat beside her as Harry sat on his other side cautiously. He knew how Abby got if he even touched his own husband while she was seated beside him.

"What's the news, Dyl?" Liam asked, taking the remote from Abby's lap and turning off the TV.

"No!" the twins exclaimed, holding their hands out to their Dad.

"Why? Dylan needs to tell us something important and the TV will just distract the rest of you," Liam reasoned, putting the remote on the coffee table in front of him.

"But she's gonna throw a tantrum!" Ethan argued, watching Abby as she glared at him. "Dad! She's glaring at me! She's evil, Dad!"

Instead, Liam sighed and took Abby into his lap when she started whimpering fakely from Ethan 'yelling' at her. "Daddy, he yelling at me again. I don't like that."

"Ethan, stop accusing your sister of being 'evil'. She's a sweet angel," Liam scolded him.

"But, Dad - "

"Enough. Dylan's got some news that's important enough for all of us to be here."

"Dad, you can't seriously not see what she does to us, right?" Claire asked, then squeaked when Abby gave a her a very dark glare. "I really don't like your eyes, Abby. They're so dark and... evil."

Clearing his throat to get their attention, Dylan stood up on the coffee table and started talking. "Listen up, family. What I'm about to tell you is really important and probably something that will give Dad a heart attack, but it needs to be said."

"What is it? Hurry before Abby actually kills us!" Ethan prompted, moving back on the couch.

"Okay... Well, you all know how Maddy and I have been - "

"YES!" they all shouted to interrupt him.

He glared at them, but continued. "So, since we haven't exactly been using protection, like Papa told me before,... She's - um, Maddy's sort of... pregnant?"


And of course Dylan was right about his Dad's reaction. Well, close enough, anyway. Liam fainted then on the couch, making Harry jump and and start fanning his husband with his hands. The twins rushed to get something to cool off their Dad, although Abby wouldn't let anyone near Liam.

"Abby, you need to get off Daddy's lap so I can check on him," Harry said sternly.

"No. I wanna stay with Daddy," she refused, crossing her arms.

Alive [Lirry] EDITING!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz