16 - Under the Mask

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You went to a simple, rustic decorated cafe, two blocks down the street. Sitting in a booth, you look up at the fairly lights hanging above your head. 'Could Peter have picked a better place?' After you order, you a Peter talk, you tell him about your life in your old city, and he tells you about his childhood in Queens. The whole night you can't stop yourself from smiling. Even after you both finish eating, you keep talking, you feel like you could keep talking to Peter forever. You talk about things that are deep and personal to you, you make jokes and laugh at his, and you even talk about unimportant things, just to keep the conversation going.

"So, what's your favourite superhero?" Peter asks you. 

"Spider-Man." You say, not skipping a beat. 

"Yeah he's pretty cool." Peter says, blushing. 

'Why was he blushing about that of all things' you think, but you let it slide. 

"Okay what about you?"

"Definitely Scarlet Witch."

"Okay," you say, "how come?"

"She's hot." He says.

You laugh.

"Why do you like Spider-Man?" He asks you.

You think about it for a second, "Because he's brave, he's not afraid to run head first into danger." You smile. "And he's protective of the ones he loves, he knows if the world knew his identity he couldn't keep them safe. Plus I'm sure he's really hot under that mask." 

Peter laughs at the last comment, a deep red blush still visible across his cheeks. 

AN//: are you ready to read what's probably the cutest thing I've ever written?

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