Part 21

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You woke to the sound of an alarm beeping. 

"It's decathlon day!" Liz yelled, throwing a pillow at your face as you groaned.

You got up and had a quick shower before getting dressed and meeting the others in the hotels common area for breakfast. You eat pancakes, while Liz goes over a series of questions for the millionth time.

Once you were finished eating the group walks to the theater where the decathlon was being held. Peter wasn't there, he hadn't been there at breakfast, and you were staring to worry. Mr Harrington was worried too, you could tell, he kept glancing behind him as the group walked further and further away from the hotel. You walk up to Ned, deciding to ask him if he knew where Peter was, he was his best friend after all. 

"Hey Ned." You say

"Hey y/n" Ned said quickly, already knowing what question would soon follow.

You ask anyway, not entirely sure you wanted to know the answer. "Where's Peter?"

"Um..." Ned began, "I don't know."

You frown, "oh okay, it's just that he hasn't been answering any of my texts and I'm starting to worry." 

Ned smiles at you reassuringly, "I'm sure he's okay." 

Before you can ask Ned anything else he hurries off, walking to the front of the group with Mr Harrington.

You got to the decathlon, placing your phone on the tray before taking your seat on the stage. There were more people there than you expected, you hadn't really expected anyone, apart from the judges.

People began calling out questions and you and your team started firing out answers. 

"The capital of France is..."


"The chemical formula for ozone is..."


"The first president of the United States was..."

"...George Washington."

The Boy Down the Hall - A Peter Parker FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now