I look around where it could have thrown that ball at me. I see a person in a distance. Someone is coming to save me, finally. I stand up with the ball in my hand and yell at the person to come find me. The person is coming to me and save me, it walks so slow, I could be here until tonight. When it is closer to me I notice something strange about this person. It doesn't have a head. What? I feel something wet run down my arm. I look down at the ball and see that it isn't a ball at all. It is a head, a dead head. The head I got in the package and it's body is coming to me. I scream as loud as I can as I throw away the head. The body comes closer to me and walks over the fire and takes my hands. I scream as I try my hardest to get away from the grip that the body is giving me. It lets go off me and takes the head from the ground and puts it back on. "Death" the person says and it takes a saw and saws off my head. I scream.

I wake up in Jason's arms and I just can't stop screaming. I'm shivering, not from cold but from fear. Tears stream down my cheeks. My throats hurts but I can't stop screaming. "Shh, it's all right. It was only a bad dream. I'm here, I'm not leaving you alone ever again. Shh, calm down Emma" Jason says as he rocks me and keeps whispering nice words in my ear. I have stopped screaming, not because I want to. My throat hurts to much and I think I have lost my voice for some time. I'm still crying. I can't stop crying. I hug Jason as tightly as I can. I notice that Maria and Victoria are here and both of them look very worried. "Emma, everything will be all right, just calm down" he continues to say as he holds me. I bury my head in his chest but I don't I don't close my eyes. I don't want to see that head again, the image is burning in my mind and I don't want that. I want to forget this but I can't. "She is in shock Jason, she is not going to calm down any time soon" Maria says to Jason.

Victoria is pacing back and forth and is deep in thoughts. I jump when the phone in her hands starts ringing. She goes to the other room to take the call. Victoria comes back few minutes later. "They found a match, it was a man named Ronny" she says to everyone. Is she talking about who the head belonged to. The head once belonged to a a living breathing person before someone did this to him and it is hard to believe that someone does this to a person. Its so cruel. "He was a vampire, he was not in a high rank, a servant if I'm right. He never had a chance in life" she continues. Why does she say this. Everyone have a chance in life, he was breathing and seeing the world from his point of view. That means that he had a chance in life, I think. But now someone has taken his life away, his chance of living. "Gather up my men for questioning" Jason says, Victoria leaves to do what he said. What does he mean by that? I don't understand but I don't feel like wanting to find out why he is saying this. I don't feel like begin curious right now.

What is Maria doing here? Does she know that Jason is vampire? They talk some more but I'm not listening to a word they are saying to each other. I'm more focused on the floor. My mind can't stop thinking about that dream and the head, the eyes stare into my soul. I shake as my mind continues to show me the memory of the head and the body from my dream. For some reason I just can't stop thinking about this. Jason just holds me while I shake and cry into his shirt. I don't think that he cares that I'm crying into his shirt. I just can't help it, the tears just keep coming and coming down my cheeks and into his shirt without me trying and they won't stop. I can hear them talking and their conversation is very interesting but I just don't feel like I want to listen to it. I don't feel anything to be honest. And I don't really like the feelings that I an feeling right now. All my body wants to feel is sadness and I don't feel like smiling or laughing. I don't want to smile nor laugh.

I feel like all the happiness and happy feeling in my body have just feen drained out of me and has been replaced by sadness and emptiness. "Emma?" Jason asks trying to communicate with me. I look at him but I don't answer him. My throat hurts so much so I don't think I can answer him or even talk for that matters. Not that it matters to me, I don't feel like talking. Jason knows that I am listening to him. "Emma I know you have been through a lot but I need to ask you something very important and you need to write down the answer. Can you do that for me?" He asks, I feel like he is talking to me like I am a child. I nod my head as a sign that he can ask me and I am going to answer the best I can. Maria hands me a piece of paper and a pen. "Do you have something valuable that someone might want or information that is useful to anyone?" Jason asks. I think about for awhile before writing on the paper. I write on the paper: Not that I know off.

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