My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 30

Start from the beginning

Fine, Charlie's partially sweet.

"Well, is it that boy who's been frequently visiting you? The one who seems ruggedly handsome and has an obssession with leather jackets?"

I snorted in a very unpleasant way, while Penny laughed. I could just picture that blonde knucklehead. "Zeke, his name's Zeke. But, to answer your question, no."

Mom thought long and hard before her next guess. Her legs were crossed and she was tapping her chin with her index finger. Her other hand held a cup of stale coffee. She had her brown locks stacked in a neat bun atop her head, her lips twisted into a weird frown. Her brows were furrowed and she had her azure eyes focused on the ceiling. She sort of looked like a detective. It was cute.

"Oh, I know!" she announced, her smile as wide as the Alice in Wonderland Cheshire cat's. "It's that boy I gave cookies to!"

Penny scoffed as she crossed her arms and leaned back on the sofa. "Please, you give every visitor cookies."

I nodded. "I second that, actually."

Mom scowled at my twin and I. "But, I do remember him. He's the boyish one with the dark hair and the-"

"Blue eyes?" Dad finished for her, glancing at the three of us as a shy-looking Drew trailed behind him.

Dad's dark eyes didn't have a trace of happiness in them. I'm guessing he's about to mention the shotgun.

"Honey, go get my shotgun."

And, the baseball bat.

"Oh, and the bat."

Certainly, he wouldn't forget the phone.

"My phone too, in case I have to call my army buddies."

Penny and I looked at each other, both of us knowing his exaggerated, protective father ritual. He thinks it's intimidating, but all it does is make the three of us laugh. Drew merely smiled. I swiftly stood up, trying to steal the attention away from my half-embarrassing father. I went over to stand next to Drew.

"Everyone, this is Drew. Drew, this is Mom, Dad, and Penelope. I'm sure you've met Mom and my twin. I can't really say the same for my dad," I spoke, awkwardly gesturing towards Dad. My smile was shaky, but still acceptable.

Drew acknowledged my family with his million dollar smile. He looked dashing, even if he only wore simple jeans and a polo shirt. He had an air of charming charisma and a sense of regalness. Despite his simplicity, all seemed...royal. Which, if I'm being honest, I'm not very used to. I really am just an average girl, living in the middle ground of things. I didn't get special treatment or received luxurious rewards. But, you know what? I'm getting this feeling that Drew might have had.

When we finally left, we slid inside his flashy, red pick-up truck. He helped me get in, which I found really chivalrous of him. After starting the car, Drew turned on the radio. Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana blasting through the speakers and we both jumped. As he proceeded to lower the volume, the two of us looked at each and...there was this click. And then, we just laughed.

"Nice start, huh?" he kids, glancing at me nervously.

"So far, its been interesting." I give him a bright smile, that shows how much I'm enjoying this nondate. "Where are we going anyway?"

"The library."

I fall silent and all you can hear is the soft hum of the engine and the music. I mean, is he being serious?

All of a sudden, Drew laughs and I sigh in relief. "You should've seen the look on your face, El!" he says between fits of laughter.

I lightly punch him. "Shut up, Andy. I thought I was going to have to study!"

"You and studying," he mumbled to himself. And then, he winked at me. "But, whatever, you'll see soon enough."

After quite a car ride, we ended up at a place I've never actually been to before: Villa Vizcaya. I've always wanted to go there, but our family never really got around to it. From the outside, it looked like an absolute dream. Surely, the inside would be just as magnificent. As we got off his car at the parking lot, I had a bit of a bounce to my step. I was giddy beyond belief! Poor Drew will just have to bear with it. I grabbed him by the wrist and pulled us along quicker than our initial pace. Drew didn't complain, but he let out a deep chuckle that left my stomach flipping like a professional gymnast. Instead, he moved his hand so that he was holding mine. I didn't say anything when he did that. I just smiled at him, that familiar feeling of contentment enveloping my whole being.

"Someone's happy," he teased, grinning at me.

I wrinkled my nose. "That's putting it lightly."

Once we entered, my smile slowly turned into a frown. I was thinking about how I should've brought a camera with me. But, upon seeing my glum expression, Drew went and faced me with a worried look on his face. "I thought you liked it?" he asked, his bright eyes showing panic. "We can go if you wa-"

"It's okay, Drew," I reassured him honestly. "I just wish I brought my camera." God's honest truth right there.

He sighed, his body visibly relaxing. What surprised me more was what he did next. With his free hand, Drew grabbed a disposable camera from his back pocket. "Already ahead of you," he states with a proud smile, although slightly crooked. I thought it was very thoughtful of him.

"You're really going all out, aren't you?" It was my turn to tease him.


Feeling an overwhelming feeling of boldness, I went and kissed his cheek. "Thank you," I murmured with a goofy smile of my own. His ears turned red and the apples of his cheeks flushed pink.

I was indeed liberated.

For a while, we just stared at one another; from one pair of blue eyes to another. I mean, we probably blocked a couple people's pathways, but I heard no complaints. It felt intimate, in a way, and there was just the two of us. At that moment, I kind of realized something that - personally - I found important. I knew then that I really like Andrew James, the boy with ocean blue eyes.

* * *

Another update, just for you people! :)

Sorry for the wait, my dear readers. I'm back at school and the updates might be slower. I'll try my best to stock up on chapters, though.

Well, this is part one of their nondate. There will be a part two, so just stay tuned! ;)

Goal: 21,000 reads. CHECK! *does a little happy dance* :D

Thankyou. Thankyou. Thankyou. Salamat! I'm really happy and thankful for the increasing amount of readers. Know that I will always appreciate every single one of you.

Furthermore, this chapter is dedicated to you, @LiveLife2DFullest1. You've been a great MBFB supporter! Thank you so much.

Sorry, no Multimedia Weekly. I wanted to post an update despite it being late right now. And a school night...

Our next goal is 22K. Let's go MBFB Team!

Please don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE if you enjoyed this chapter!

PS. Please excuse my grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

Alrighty, paalam!


My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now