“She's just a child!!”

And I gotta say, all these comments were really pissing me off. I mean these comments from people who haven't even achieved a ranking in their squads! Half of them probably don’t even have a shikai!

Heck how dare they criticise me so carelessly? And I'm not someone who you could just say things like that about and get away with it!

“OII!" I yelled interrupting them all and causing them to stop and stare at me. "Yeah, I'm not deaf. I can hear all your comments about me being weak! So I've decided that I will defeat the Captain without using my shikai! And once I do, then we'll see who you are calling weak!”

They all went silent  for a moment before they cracked up laughing. I only gave them all a glare, know that they are going to be so surprised when I fuck shit up. Yet they just continued laughing until the Head Captain silenced them and we got on the battle field.

“You’re going to regret this,” Captain Komamura said as he unsheathed his sword. “I personally don’t think someone acting so childish as to take note of rude comments like those should be a Captain. And for that, I won’t go easy on you, I will show you what it means to be a captain and I will have your respect. Bankai.”

I just rolled my eyes at his words as I watched his bankai appear before my eyes.

“Miss Saiako this is your last chance to release you bankai before the match starts,” warned the Head Captain.

“I don't need it,” I said with a smirk as I pulled out of sword and took a stance, facing Komamura with a smirk.

With that, I heard the Head captain let a sigh slip before he spoke.

"Let the captains test for Sarah Saiako, begin!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Captain Komamura made the first move. He swung his arm forward and his giant’s sword came crashing down on me.

I just kept my smirk plastered to my lips as I took one step to the side at the last possible mili second, allowing the sword to crash down next to me at full force.

I felt the ground next to me begin to crack while dust and smoke rose from the ground, but once it disappeared and revealed me, everyone’s eyes widened in shock as they saw what looked like he had missed me.

“Your aim seems to be a bit off, Captain.” I said with a smirk while his expression was filled with shock. “Is that all you've got? It’s a bit disappointing really.” And with that, I disappeared from sight.


"How'd she do that!?"

“I saw she it was on target…”

“She must have moved at the last possible second but… I saw the blade only an inch from her head!”

I heard the spectators commenting, before I re-appeared right in front of Komamura where I leaned in close before speaking.

“I know your bankai's weakness.” I whispered in his ear before he reacted and took another swing at me but I was gone.

Hm. I thought, too slow. There are many problems with your bankai. One, it’s too big. So you move too slow to react to my movements in time, also if anything happens to your bankai, i.e. it gets cut, the same will happen to you.

I appeared right in front of his bankai form, right before it’s heart. And with that, I quickly brought my sword back before driving it forward, right next to its heart.

The Red Haired Shinigami.......and Toshiro? (bleach fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now