Chapter 1 - Memories

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I could feel the emotion welling up inside of me. Slowly I lost rhythm with my breath as my face got tight and my vision blurred. Then I let go and let my pain wash away with my tears. I stared at the pictures, tracing my finger lightly over them, wishing I could have those days back. They were the best days of my life. ‘Can I come in?’ Nathan knocked softly on my bedroom door. ‘Sure’ I smiled wiping my tears hoping he hadn’t noticed I was crying. ‘Whatcha looking at?’ he asked sitting down beside me on the bed, placing his arm around my shoulder.

Now before you jump to conclusions, no I’m not dating Nathan, he’s just my best friend. I’ve known Nathan literally all my life. Nathan’s two days older than me which is a coincidence seeing as though our parents are best friends. Nathan and I basically grew up together, as we lived beside each other. Since we were the only children in the neighbourhood, we hung out together every day, doing everything together from homework, to playing, to sometimes even having sleepovers. When his parents were out of town, he would stay with us and when mine were out of town I would stay with them. This continued until he joined The Wanted when he was 16, which turned both our worlds upside down. I was happy for him getting in but I was losing my best friend. He moved to London, but still kept in contact because neither of us could forget about or live without one another. He would text me every morning after he got up and every evening before he went to bed. After months of touring he finally returned home to Gloucester for a few days.

‘Hello, anyone home Lex?’ he asked breaking my trance. Lex was Nathan’s nickname for me. My full name is Alexandra. Everyone calls me Alex, but Nathan prefers to call me Lex. I like to call him Nay. I couldn’t pronounce Nathan or Nath until I was about 5, so I always used to call him Nay, and I suppose I never stopped calling him that. ‘Yeah sorry, I was just thinking back at the pictures from the old days when we used spend every hour of every day together’ I sighed. ‘I miss those days’ he smiled wiping the tears that were beginning to fall once again from my eyes, with the sleeve of his hoody. He carefully prised my fingers off the edge of the album, plonking in on the chair at the end of my bed. ‘Come on. You know you want to’ he laughed lifting the duvet, waiting for me to jump in. Once I did so he returned to get the album and jumped in beside me. You’re probably thing it’s kinda strange getting into bed with your best friend, but it’s not, I’m used to sharing a bed with him. I’ve done it plenty of times before.

‘Remember when we used to snuggle in bed when you got all upset after being dumped, or when you were sick, or when you used to get really mad at me for mocking you?’ he asked putting his arm back around me and resting his chin on my head. ‘Yeah, you used always make me feel better. Can you remember the last time we did this?’ I asked smiling up at him through the tears. ‘Yeah, it was when I told you I got in the band’ he smiled kissing my forehead. ‘You broke my heart that day. When you left, I stayed in bed for days, refused to eat, didn’t go to school. I didn’t know what to do with myself. There was always an empty chair beside me in every class from where you used to sit. I’d sit in class waiting for you to just walk in through the door with the biggest smile on your face, but it never happened. A part of me died when my best friend left’ I explained breaking down into tears. ‘Lex, I’m so sorry’ he whispered pulling me into his chest. I’m pretty sure my sobs could be heard from miles away. ‘It broke my heart telling you I was leaving. I didn’t want to leave you behind but I had to for the band. Now, I’ve got two days before I go back to London, so I promise I will spend the next two days with you. I’m going to stay here with you until I go, okay?’ he asked. I looked up to see that Nathan was now crying himself. ‘Thank you’ I whispered wiping his tears. ‘Now let’s just take these few moments to remember the old days’ he whispered as I snuggled into his chest. He opened the first page of the album which was filled with pictures of us when we were young little trouble makers. Just looking at the pictures made me remember the good times we had.

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