Chapter 6 - Hospital

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‘Mum, Jake, Matthew’ I called in pain, my voice weakening with every syllable. My calls were futile. I thought I was dying. I needed my phone but I was I too much pain and couldn’t face moving. I’d been having stomach cramps over the last few days but couldn’t tell Nathan, because we only had two days together and I didn’t want him to worry about me. He’d make me stay I bed and wait on me hand and foot like he used to as a child, and I didn’t want that. I just wanted to have fun.

‘Mum’ I called once I heard the door opening. ‘No Alex it’s me’ Avril called. ‘Avril help. I’m in your room’ I winced in pain. Her footsteps quickened and were soon louder. ‘Alex, what happened?’ she asked kneeling down beside me. ‘I was cleaning your room when I had this sudden sharp pain in my stomach. I’ve been getting them on and off for the last few days but they haven’t been this bad. Please call mum’ I whispered. ‘I’m calling an ambulance first Alex’ she replied sternly. She scrambled for her phone before pulling it out of her pocket. ‘Ambulance please. Yeah it’s for my sister. She’s in a lot of pain. She’s complaining of severe stomach cramps’ she explained. ‘Okay thanks. They should be here in a few minutes. I’ll ring mum in the ambulance’ she whispered. She pulled me close and began rocking back and forth.

‘Why didn’t you tell us they’ve been going on for a few days?’ she asked. ‘I didn’t want anyone to worry about me and anyway I thought they were only minor stomach cramps. I didn’t think it would cause this much pain’ I whispered almost in tears. ‘And you wanted to spend the whole time with Nathan and not have him fussing about you when you were sick ‘she continued. ‘Yeah, I hardly get to see him as it is. I didn’t want him spending his time off looking after me when it was nothing major’ I added.  ‘Avril?’ I asked breaking the silence. ‘Did Nathan actually pay you 200 quid so I didn’t have to?’ I asked. ‘Yeah he did. Nathan really cares about you Alex. You mean the world to him. He’d do anything for you and doesn’t like seeing you get hurt. You know the only reason I called you two lovers is because I want you two to get together. I may be your little sister, but I’m still protective of you. You and Nathan are made for each other, everyone can see that and I think he’s the only one that can and ever will make you happy’ she whispered. ‘Avril, I don’t have feelings for Nathan like that. He’s my best friend and that’s it. I love him more than anything in the whole world, but I’m happy the way we are.’ I whispered holding my stomach. ‘Okay’ she smiled.

‘I think the ambulance is here’ she smiled getting up to look out the window. She rushed down the stairs to open the door and soon there was paramedics rushing towards me, one with a stretcher. I was helped up to get on the stretcher but it hurt even more. The pain was unbearable, so unbearable that there was tears streaming down my face. Avril held out her hand for me to hold, but I didn’t hold it, I squeezed it so tight she winced in pain. ‘Sorry’ I mumbled. I lay down, the pain lightening ever so slightly, as they placed an oxygen mask over my face. I was carried down the stairs and gently lifted onto the ambulance. Avril sat down beside me and held my hand gently. ‘I’ll ring mum’ she whispered. ‘Hey mum. Alex is being taken to hospital’ she informed her. ‘I found her in my room complaining of stomach cramps. I think she’ll be okay, but I think you should come to the hospital. Yeah I’ll tell Jess to collect Jake from Joey’s house. Yeah okay, bye mum, see you soon’ she sighed hanging up. ‘She’s getting the time off work to come to the hospital. She said she’ll see us there in a few minutes’ Avril nodded.

I could hardly move in the ambulance, the pain was unbearable. I could only think of Nathan and how sweet he was paying Avril. Did she really mean what she said about Nathan? She thinks we’re made for each other? Nathan doesn’t want me. He has girls falling at his feet, he’ll find someone who he loves and who loves him. She’ll be a lawyer or accountant or something and not a trainee child minder and part time hairdresser like me.

The ambulance came to an abrupt halt and the back doors slid open. I was transferred to a trolley which was pushed down the corridors of the hospital to A&E.  Mum was already waiting in the corridor. ‘Are you okay Alex?’ she asked worriedly as they continued through the hospitals. I nodded the oxygen mask still over my face. I was transferred to a bed where we waited for a nurse. ‘We’re going to operate immediately. You’ve suffered an appendicitis’ she informed. ‘Huh?’ I asked removing the mask. ‘I could have died if it had burst’ I moaned. ‘We’re going to get you in straight away and stop it from doing any damage before it becomes too late’ she nodded before heading out the door. ‘You’ll be fine baby, they’ll take care of you’ my mum smiled moving my fringe off my face.

 I changed into the hospital gown ready for the operation. I had to remove my jewellery including my bracelet and pendant from Nathan. I wished he was here with me and tell me that everything was going to be okay but he wasn’t. He had his own life to live and I had to come to terms with that, but I’ll never be able to deal with that. From spending everyday with someone as a child to suddenly only spending 2 days with them every 3 or 4 months. I kissed the pendant and put it in the basket with my clothes. ‘Ready?’ the nurse asked. ‘Yeah’ I smiled. ‘The operation will last about 5 hours and you’ll be out cold for a few hours afterwards but you should be fine.’ She informed me. She took me to theatre where they induced me into a semi coma. ‘See you in 14 hours’ the doctor whispered and soon I was out cold.

Hours later I felt someone rubbing my hand with theirs. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at them. ‘Hey Lex.’


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