Chapter 3 - Replace Your Heart

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Extremely boring I know, but it is like a fill in chapter! Enjoy!


The sun was starting to stream in through the gap in the curtains. I felt Nathan’s grip tighten around my waist. I didn’t want to get up, just spend the rest of the day with Nathan, our last day together for a while. ‘Ouch’ I winced in pain waking Nathan up unintentionally. ‘What’s up Lex?’ he croaked opening his eyes slowly. ‘Just a pain in my stomach, I’ll be okay’ I smiled. ‘Okay go back to sleep for a while, I’m knackered’ he sighed closing his eyes. You’ve probably already guessed by now that Nathan loves his sleep. The fact that I’m a restless sleeper has nothing to do with that boy’s sleeping patterns.

‘What do you want to do today Lex?’ he enquired. ‘Can just the two of us stay here together? Maybe just cuddle up with a blanket, movies, tea and biscuits on the couch and just spend some time together? I’ll clear the house so it’s just us’ I shrugged. ‘Sounds like a good idea’ he nodded. ‘When do you leave?’ I asked breaking the silence. ‘My train leaves at 9 tonight’ he sighed frowning. ‘Tonight? I thought you left tomorrow?’ I whined. ‘Jayne wants me back early so I can start writing the next single. Apparently the sooner we get it written, the sooner it can be released’ he smiled. ‘Can I drive you back to London?’ I asked close to tears. ‘I couldn’t ask you to do that’ he shook his head. ‘Nathan, you’re my best friend. I’d do anything for you, so I’m going to drive you back to London myself this evening. Anyways, we can spend some quality time together. It will be the last time we see each other for a while’ I sighed. ‘You know I’ll still text you every morning and every night, even if the time zones are different. It just means that I have to get up during the night to text you in the morning, but that doesn’t bother me’ he smiled kissing my forehead.

‘Stick on a pair of jeans and a beanie and go to the shops for treats. I’ll get everyone banished from the house’ I ordered running out the door towards Matthew’s room. ‘Matthew you’re going to see the twins today aren’t you?’ I asked peeking around his door. ‘Yeah why?’ he asked ‘I just wanted to spend time with Nathan before he goes home’ I shrugged. ‘Aw quality boyfriend girlfriend time’ he sniggered. ‘We’re not dating’ I sighed. ‘Yeah right, keep telling yourself that’ he laughed. ‘Some people’ I moaned slamming the door behind me. ‘Avril, what you up to today?’ I asked smiling. ‘Why are you smiling at me? What do you want from me?’ she spat. ‘Just want you out of the house for the day’ I smiled. ‘You and lover boy want to be alone?’ she laughed. ‘Oh for God sake, we are not dating. DID EVERYONE HEAR THAT? NATHAN AND I ARE NOT DATING! WE ARE JUST FRIENDS’ I declared for everyone to hear. I heard feet pounding towards me. I walked out and slammed the door. ‘A bunch of know it all’s around here. Well they can fuck off’ I mumbled under my breath, but I was heard. ‘Is someone giving you trouble Lex?’ Nathan asked rubbing my back. ‘Nobody seems to believe me when I say that we are not dating’ I whispered. ‘Is that all that’s worrying you’ he whispered pulling me in for a hug. ‘I knew there was something going on’ Avril laughed ‘oh and by the way my friends are coming round in a bit’ she added. ‘Avril, I’ll give you one hundred quid and clean your room for a week if you take them elsewhere’ I offered staring at her blankly without blinking. ‘Fine’ she mumbled.

‘You don’t have to pay her you know. I will’ Nathan whispered walking me downstairs to talk to mum. ‘No Nay, it’s fine, she’s my sister. I’ll deal with her. Thanks anyway’ I smiled. ‘Mum, are you working today?’ I asked sitting at the breakfast bar. ‘Yeah, I’m leaving in a few. Why, what do you need me for?’ she asked her mood changing. ‘Just wanted to spend some time with Nathan today that’s all’ I smiled. ‘Stick the kettle on Lex please’ Nathan smiled sitting down beside me. ‘Lazy sod’ I mumbled getting up to turn on the kettle. ‘Okay guys have fun and don’t get up to any mischief like you used to okay?’ she replied sternly. ‘We’re just going to watch some movies before Nathan goes home later. Oh I’m going to drive him back to London later’ I told her taking out a cup and teabag for Nathan. ‘Oh okay sweetheart. I might see you before you leave Nathan, but if not have a safe trip and I’ll see you soon’ she smiled running over to give him a peck on the cheek. ‘Thanks mum’ he smiled. Nathan calls my mum, mum because she’s like a second mum to him due to the fact that we used to spend so much time together.

When the kettle boiled I poured the water into his cup and added his normal two sugars and milk. ‘Here Nay’ I smiled handing him the cup. ‘Thanks Lex, you make the nicest tea ever!’ he smiled back. ‘I do miss your tea when I’m away, I don’t know why though’ he added squinting. ‘French toast for breakfast?’ I asked. ‘Mummm, my favourite’ he whispered. ‘I know, and then when you’re done you can go to the shop and buy the goods, while I set up the dvd player’ I explained.

He scoffed his French toast and headed to the shop. I was casually flicking through my dvd’s when someone placed their hands around my mouth. ‘shit’ I mumbled thinking we had an intruder when in actual fact it was Nathan trying to scare me. ‘You’re a little dick’ I pointed at him. ‘Me, no, my dick is massive!’ he laughed. ‘Nathan, too much information’ I squealed. ‘Now for payback’ I whispered edging ever so close to him. He ran off in the opposite direction, so I chased him. I searched every room high and low looking for him, but I heard him before I saw him.

‘Hey’ I whispered. ‘Hey’ he smiled turning around to face me. ‘Come sit.’ He patted the seat beside him hoping I would sit beside him. He placed his fingers on the ivory keys and began to sing, but just before he did so, he told me that he’d been trying to find someone like me when he was in London, but failed miserably. He said no one would ever replace my heart.

‘I'm running out of patience

Tired of imitations

Looking for someone to 

Replace your heart

Everyone I talk to

Is just another not you

Makes me wonder 

How we're so far apart

I'm tired of imitations

Running out of patience

Tryin' to replace 

Replace your heart’

Our faces were so close they were almost touching. I focused on his green eyes and did exactly what I always wanted to do….


Dum dum dummm. Okay anyway, I'm going away tomorrow for a week and I'm not sure if I'll have internet acess, but I will take my laptop and continue writing this as well as Personal Soldier and Raising Romi, which I have sort of abandoned this week, but I will continue them, I promise! I hope you liked this, it was very boring to read I bet! And sorry it wasn't up last night, I just haven't been well mentally lately. I've hit an all time low (excuse the pun) but I'm slowly getting better. Anyway, enough about me. 

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