Chapter 2: Suspicious, Isn't It?

Start from the beginning

Ivor continued to explain "Well, in there... All of its Citizen though I'm not sure if I should call them Citizen anymore, Carried some sort of weapons that we've never used or even seen in our life" 

I raised my eyebrows. Did he meant the weapons that these groups that I've seen before at the street? "What kind of weapons?" I asked him. Alright, now I'm really curious

"I'm not sure, Jesse. The only thing that I know is The weapons looked like some sort of combination of iron and Wood crafted together to make it look like long stick with a handle. Apparently this weapon works like how a bow works but simpler" Ivor informed, stroking his beard

"Wait a minute, I just saw some odd looking People carrying the exact weapons with the same description you gave on the way here" I told him. Ivor just blinked and leaned forward

"You saw someone with that kind of weapon?" Ivor asked with a blank expression but serious

I nodded "Yes, right in front of the Smithy" 

"Hmm, well my friend, I think we need to do some Investigation. We don't want any uninvited guests to come and wreak havoc here in Beacontown without any apparent reason" Ivor suggested while fiddling with his hands. I chuckled at him and nodded knowingly

"Maybe you're right. I will assign Radar and The Scouts to do it. Y'know just to give them some experience in the field" I stated. Ivor nodded in agreement

"Good Idea, Jesse" Ivor commented

{No one's POV}

While Jesse and Ivor are talking, The mysterious group who were standing outside The Smithy earlier had opened their cloak to reveal some Young Adults in their twenty's wearing black beret were watching from a long distance with a Binocular, similar to a Spyglass. The group then went to report the conversation between Jesse and Ivor to their leader. As soon as Jesse and Ivor began talking about other unimportant matters to them, The group packed their Gears back and went back to their Base where their Leader is

"They'll figured out who they will oppose"

{Jessica's POV}

I was in The Temple's Garden looking at the scenery of the plains outside Beacontown. It was beautiful and calm around here. The wind blows calmly, the Parrots are chirping, and various kinds plants fills the garden that makes the garden alive. When I'm here, I couldn't help but think of someone...Lukas. He's helping the peoples of Beacontown to rebuild and renovate the town since he's our Architect. After the incident with Romeo, My Brother has commenced Rebuilding and Renovation project for the town with Lukas as its Project Leader but he still write about our life and adventures. At that time I was sitting on The Garden's bench, starring at the sun, thinking about him. What is this feeling? I'm sooo confused. Suddenly someone snapped me from my thoughts by calling me

"Hey, Jessica!" The familiar voice said. I spun around to find Lukas at the door to temple, walking to me

"Oh, hi Lukas!" I greeted him back by waving my hands at him "Uhhh, what are you doing here?" I asked now

"Nothing, just you know. Checking on you" Lukas replied while acting cool and all. I smiled at him in response

"Oh, I'm fine, Lukas. Thanks for asking though" I said still smiling at him

"Nah, it always nice to see you smile" He said, smiling back but he still maintained his cool expression and tone. Okay, that was sweet of him...wait what!?

Snapping out from my thoughts, I looked back at him again "Yeah..... By the way, do you know my brother is right now?" I asked him, changing the Topic. I'm curious on what My Brother is doing right now since he was having a not heavy work day today

"Oh He's with Ivor" I raised one of my eyebrow at that "Discussing about something. It must be really important that he only called Jesse" Hmm, This is quite intriguing. Now I'm really curious about what Ivor has to say to My Brother. Well, I'll ask them about it later

"I wonder what are they discussing about" I wondered while looking at the sky

"Yeah, me either" Lukas said agreeing with me, rubbing his back

"So Lukas, you wanna sit here?" I Invited him to take the empty seat next to me on the bench. He smiled and nodded

"Oh sure sure" he said as he slowly took the seat next to me

"Its a wonderful day today, huh?" he said, looking at the sky

"Yeah it is" I said with a smile, looking at the sky too

"Your brother knows how to make this town fired up and full of joy" Lukas remarked

I grinned at that and turned my head to look at Lukas "Yeah, he's the best brother that anyone could have" I sighed happily

Lukas chuckled "Its good to have a brother, Huh?" 

"Yeah, it is" I said and then I frowned remembering how annoying is my Brother sometimes. Well actually not sometimes but most of the times. But honestly I did annoyed him most of the times too. Soo... we're even "but, sometimes he's really annoying" I mumbled so that Lukas won't hear me saying that

Unfortunately he heard me sayin that and he chuckled at that last sentences "Well, He's your Brother" Lukas simply stated playfully

"You're right" I said, with a nervous grin

At that time I felt like we were gazing at each other's eyes for a while. Its feels kinda awkward. I felt like we're gazing at each other for about minutes before SOMEONE startled us by yelling teasingly at us

"Ahem, So lovebirds!" A voice that we all know and love yelled at us, making us startled. we looked away from each other as we turned to where the voice coming from. We turned around to find Petra standing at The Temple's Doorway with a smirk on her  

"Petra!!!" I exclaimed in shock and embarrassment as I blushed bright red from embarrassment and awkwardness. When I took a glance at Lukas, somehow he was blushing too but he averted his eyes away from mr

"Hehehehe sorry, Lovebirds" Petra teased with a grin. Okay, this is really embarrassing. Petra... WHY!?