30 - Like a light you were out

Start from the beginning

"This couch is weird, their isn't a single part on it that's solid, its all mushy."

"Well, Thats Just What Toga Prefers."

"She Has odd taste's than."

You huffed and crossed your arms as you began to gradually sink in the marshmallow like couch.

"God, Toga Hardly Has Any food in this house."

You slowly began to sit up from the soft beige couch, you than turned towards Dabi and grinned.

"Is there any Ice cream, I know that she's pretty into sweats."

"I'll Check."

You watched Dabi Walk over to Toga's Refrigerator and slowly open up the freezer door.

"Does it matter what flavor their is?"


Dabi reached inside of the Refrigerator and pulled out a tub of (white) vanilla ice cream, he than grabbed two spoons and began to make his way over to you. After approaching you he took a seat beside of you on the couch and popped open the lid, you of course snatched it from (alongside the spoon) him and began to dig in

"Jesus (y/n), I want some too."

You stabbed your spoon into the ice cream and gave him a determined glare.

"You'll get your damn turn."

You than picked up your spoon and began devouring the tub of ice cream like an absolute maniac. But than before you knew it-

"Fuk God dAmn Brain freeze!"

You placed your spoon down and clenched your head between your heads to sooth the horrible pain, once it passed you only shrugged it off before suddenly your tub of ice cream got swept out of your hands.


"Thats enough for tonight, your gonna get a stomach ache."

Dabi grabbed the lid and placed it back onto the tub of ice cream, he than made his way over to the Refrigerator and opened up the freezer placing the tub of (delicious might i add) ice cream into the same place that it was previously taken from. He than turned around and made his way back over to the couch, but instead of sitting this time he only stood.

"Is something the matter Dabi."

"Huh, Oh no it's fine."

"Oh alright, Im tired so im gonna head to bed alright."

You stood up from the couch and made a swift turn on your heel making your way off to your room, but before you could even approach the stairs you were stopped in your tracks.

"Wait, (y/n)."

You turned your head and looked Dabi in the eyes awaiting for him to speak.

"What is it about Todoroki that you like so much?"

"That's a good question."

You turned your body around so that you could face him in a more appropriate manner.

"Though he's  damn stupid sometimes, He's quite a charmer too, Oh yeah and He's very gentle, and kind as well, But honestly when it really comes down to it... He's just a child."

"Oh, well i'm sorry for asking."

"Oh no it's fine, honestly I've never really thought much about it."


"Well Goodnight Dabi, I hope you sleep well."


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