Chapter 3

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Eventually just after the first bell I walked with Kayla to history class that I learned was taught by her Dad, and that suddenly had the thought of my dad teaching in this school or any school at all made me almost bust out laughing.

Kayla kept on giving me funny looks as we walked to class it got to point that I would have just left her if I knew where I was going as was tempted to listen around and find my way to class I kind of wished that Bo was here she'd probably compel her to say what she was thinking.....ah speaking of thoughts I could probably listen in on her thought though it might drain my energy and that's the last thing I want right now especially in a new environment especially when they are a lot of people seeking my life in one way or another,when she glanced at me again I made I contact with her and gave her a what up look but she still didn't say anything.

Just as we were about to enter the class she grabbed my hand almost desperately and held me to the side of the class I let her because I really wanted to know where all this was going then she looked me straight in the eye and said,

“Are you supernatural? Please answer I really want to know.” she asked me with wide eyes.

I smiled and said “Vixen,” making reverence to their earlier conversation,
“ I am, we all are, problem?.”

I replied still smiling, from her facial expression I could see she was not expecting my answer. “so what are you guys, you have no scent and all are a werewolf, yes you are the type that masks your scent aren't you?”

“if that all you know about supernaturals my dear you have so much to learn and for your other question let's leave some mystery ehn? And of course send my greetings to your Alpha we will meeting sooner than he thinks.”

At the tone of my voice she looked sharply at me and said,
“He's my boyfriend you know, right? ”

“Oh I know and that's not the only thing I know sweetie ”

“What do you mean by that”

“Nothing and everything”

I said with a smirk and went into the class and took a seat at the middle of the class, I got some looks from the other students but other wise they said nothing, I brought somethings that I thought that I would need for the class and set them on my desk then I brought out my phone and pretended to look at it while I mind linked with the others to find out if they were fine and didn't give any meaningfull answer to their guides while dawn who went with Jason for biology gave long meaningless answers to his few simple questions,Bo just grunted in answer to the talkative one (who we later found out was named Steven)  long questions.

I smiled at the irony of it all but just as I was about to talk to them about what I said to kayla her father cleared his throat and introduced himself  probably for my benefit and I asked me to introduce myself to the class I didn't get his name cause I was caught up with the conversation in my head so his name will be sir, until I learn his name.

At that I got up as grecefully as I could and said “Hi am Patra Newcastle....and I just moved here to stay with my uncle.... And nice to meet you all... ”

So I finished my rant and sat down everyone was still looking at me expectingly as if they  to say more, as if they weren't the reason for my rant looked down  at my book book and began drawing designs on it.

After a while the teacher cleared his throat again and class commenced and every one focused on the class, well except for me and kayla who just stared at the back of my head throughout class boring a hole in as if she was trying to see my thoughts and that is a very annoying feelings I kept trying to keep my self from scratching my head then just when I couldn't take it anymore the bell rang and everyone started to leave the class.

I followed just as I entered the the hallway someone grabed me from behind and threw me against the lockers I heard Dawn saying “oh oh”, just before a red haze consumed and and I grabbed the hand of my attacker and twisted it behind her back and said

“behave” then I pushed her away.

Just as I was about to leave she tried to punch me from behind but I caught her arm then using my left hand I lifted her of the ground and repeated

“Behave” I was about to continue talking when I saw the color of her eyes her fox had taken over when it felt it was in danger of losing someone she cared about especially with no mate in sight, she started throwing some Japanese at me then she freed her self from my grip and as she walked away said some Japanese I understood to be, 

“There will be an Agnicia”

“I know ”and we walked in opposite directions straight to our lockers so we could prepare for our next class though I had to ask for directions to get there,  but it was easier as my friends where with me.

An Agnicia wasn't what I wanted I was hoping to settle this as peacefully as possible but that clearly wasn't going to happen I will have to contact my mom and tell her so the preparations will begin it was better to face the problem now than putting of the inevitable.

An Agnicia was a fight to submission by two people to settle a score about an issue or who gets to have some thing and the thing we were fighting about was Jason I know he wouldn't be thrilled but he will just have to get used to it or may be he might never know I hope...

And just then my fox stirred from her sleep probably because she felt I was upset she stood up and shook of her fur then asked me what was wrong before I could reply something began stirring and rasied up its head without getting up and asked,

Patra what's wrong,”she asked just Eva flicked her face with her tail and said "you would know if kept watch as I asked you to instead you went off to sleep immediately I did.”

Sorry didn't me to but see you asleep lured me to sleep to you know sleep's contagious

Says you” Eva replied giving her an annoyed look,

Hey I said am sorry

And why do I have to accept that"

“Hey chill just because you are dominant doesn't mean I have to take your shit!" She said angrily her black fur standing on end.

Here we go again I thought with a sigh

What do you mean by that you...”

Yeah I have a wolf and a fox and they really like their opinions heard, sometimes I feel sorry for myself my best friends fight all the time and my wolf and fox continue with that trend when they are not sleeping that is, other people ask there sprit animals for help and they listen but the ones I got are two busy trying to hear their own voices to be any good, they were helpful when they fell like it otherwise they were, well, themselves like now I shut them off and continued the hallway with Dawn and Bo giving me strange looks.


So a new chapter after so long sorry I had exams, so what do think of the new chapter?
I would love to hear from you, so don't forget to vote, comment and share if you liked it thanks and God bless you. Contructive critism will be appreciated thanks no insult please we are all learning.

PS- the picture above is just for fun so what will you pick I would like to know again for the fun of it. Bye👋💦💞💝😜🤑🤗😋😍😘😁😆😃💋💖😂😅😊

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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