Chapter 1

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If any of them nudged me one more time I was going to loss my mind and start to scream and probably end up looking like a lunatic, sincerely speaking I could see no other way, my two best friends sat on either side of at the bleachers watching a football game, well at least watching a player in the game, Jason Adams, hey their giddiness was infectious no matter how I tried to hide it.

I refused to look at either one of them because I knew if I turned they will be grinning like a bunch of possessed idiots, right now they were whispering different things into my ear like,

"He's so hot"

"Look at those muscles!" (this time with a shrike)

"Oh look at how he moves"

"Look how fast he runs"

And yes as expected they giggled, but the didn't stop at that their minds just got even dirtier well that if it wasn't dirty before,

"Oh I could eat him all up"

"Hmm I bet he looks even better naked"

"And sweaty"

"Oh just from the shower and walking towards me naked"
(this time with a sigh)

At that people sitting within hearing distance turned an looked at me some looking scandalised, yeah you are probably wondering didn't I say that they were whispering but I guess I forgot to mention that for them whispering was just a fancy word for yelling and believe me when I say it s much better much much better if they just talked with their normal voices but that definitely won't get through their thick skulls I was just glad that they weren't mentioning his name so even if he heard he won't know that they were talking about him.

Nudge Nudge Nudge

I turned to Boadicea Montgomery who sat on my right ,yes you heard her name right, the thing about having parents who have lived so long was that they tended to pick strange names for their children but of course we rectified it by nicknaming her Bo.

Bo's red eyes were sparkling with mirth, Red eyes!

"Why aren't you putting on your contact lenses! You seriously want to go about flashing those eyes?!"

"At least I'm not flashing this at them"
She said showing her fangs with a snarl.

"Really people could see you know!" I said looking mortified.

"No they won't"

My other best friend Dawn Sullivan said, "I cast a concealing spell, so no one can see or hear that drama queen, I cast the spell after she talked about seeing him naked." she said self righteously.

At that Bo snarled again and said "Oh you don't go acting as if you are innocent you are just as guilty as I am!"

And then they started auguring and calling themselves names as usual and expected but if they were doing it in any other place other than over my head I won't mind at all cause after all I was already used to their bickering.

I looked around me and saw true to Dawn's words everyone around us acted acted as nothing was happening amongst us they were just watching the game quietly like normal people, well as quietly as any one watching a ball game.

The spell must be pretty strong to drown out the noise this two were making and I wished there was a spell poured if me to drown the noise out for me,it's in this kinds of situations that I really questioned the wisdom of having a vampire and a witch as best friends they got along as much as oil and water at times, like now.

Bo didn't look like the conventional vampire you knew out there, well except for the red eyes, she was blonde with naturally tanned skin that she got from her mother and also could walk in the sun just like anyone well most vampires now could except those still holding on to the long dead feud with the witches and still very narrow minded.

Dawn was a shape-shifting witch who had dark waist length red hair with mischievous green eyes and also very beautiful actually we all were and also were very popular in highschool, we might have been popular through school if we hadn't been home schooled till we became sophomores.

I suddenly felt like we were been watched and began to look around the field, then the opposite bleachers then I saw her then hissed 'banshee' the squabbling twins immediately stilled and became alert and looked at the same direction I was looking at and saw the banshee I had seen staring at us with great intensity Emma's if trying to stare through the concealing spell.

Bo turned to me and asked,
"Patra what should we do?" her voice was very anxious.
She knew how important this mission was and we totally couldn't allow slip ups.

Without even looking at either one of them I said,
"Dawn quickly change Bo's eyes to blue and immediately the banshee even blinks drop the spell and start acting normal it will throw her and she would think she was imagining whatever she saw.

The perfect opportunity came when the girl sitting besides tapped her and pointed to Jason ,it seemed we weren't the only ones interested in Jason but you t gave the opportunity we have been waiting for,

I gave Dawn a slight nod and she dropped the spell, the banshee girl turned back soon after and began looking at us again but this time confusion was clearly written all over her face, I couldn't help it so I smirked at her and a glance around showed me I wasn't the only one. Then together we started laughing, we laughed till our stomachs ached it was when I finally caught sight of the face of the girl sitting besides the banshee that all the laughter died in my throat,

"Kayla Lee "

I hissed under my breath and besides me my friends growled.

Kayla according to the report I got, she's Jason present girlfriend and also a kitsune and my Mom asked the possibility but the look on her face when she the reports was priceless and Dad who I already told world nearly fell off the chair he was sitting on and said alot of things that on a normal day will make Mom have his head but for the first time she just ignored him and kept on gaping at the file as if she had trouble processing the information contained in it but Dad was not daunted he kept on joking and laughing and saying since the past hundred and fifty that they have been married he had never seen her speechless and he also went ahead to take a picture of her and as a dutiful daughter I am I followed.

Suddenly a buzzer sounds and the game was over and with Jason team as the winning one at 11-5 and a lot of of shouting and rejoicing was done but before I and my friends quietly slipped out, I saw Kayla run up to him and hug him and him pick her up turn her around and kiss her, I felt an odd pang of jealousy in my chest and brushed it off thinking that maybe I might still find my mate since this place always draws me but I always avoided it for two reasons, firstly I wanted to see a little of the world and live like a normal person without the stress of been royal and also have a little fun before been made to have a child and rule the kingdom but now that I'm here I would do whatever it takes to succeed. Even if something I don't want to do.

With that thought I turned around a left the field following my friends.

Hello my lovelies, hope you enjoyed this chapter.

So what do you think will happen next,

How do you think she'll introduce her self and friends to Jason?

Witch or vampire what will you like to be?

Don't forget to vote, comment and share, love you all.

PS this is solely my book so they will be alot of difference but still have fun, the pictures above are just fine r fun with no relation to the story the next update comes next week, Bye 👋 👋 👋

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