Chapter- 11: Dead Memoirs.

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When I was a kid, "I'm gonna tell your mom!" Was probably the scariest thing that I had heard. But why bring that up now? Well, I was scared shit less at the moment.

I was sat on my bed chewing my nails in fear that Alejandro would tattle-tale about his car to Brad, who would definitely share this with Ilian and as much as I know my brother, he'll probably tell mother that I was drag racing and mother would probably throw me out of the house or worse, bomb my car.

If stuck in a situation similar to mine, the best thing one could do was to wait. Two things could happen to me- Alejandro could tattle tale and that specific chain of events that I earlier predicted would ensue or Alejandro would be nice enough to not say anything to Brad and I'd be able to live a normal life. It is really difficult for me to think of Alejandro as nice, though.

The evening passed as normally as it could. It was just Mother, Dad and me on the dining table. But it was the night that came out to be the longest. I had gone to bed thinking that sleep could give me the peace of mind that I had craved all day but the heavens love to frown upon me and alas! I couldn't sleep a blink.

For the first time, I was scared to go to school. Why? One may ask.

Alejandro would be my answer.

When I saw Alejandro in school today, I was sucked back in time when he had threatened me.

"The only thing that would fuck you better than me...would be karma." He had said, when I had wrecked his car.

And I could feel that his words were about to come true.

Karma did have a weird way of dealing with things and right now, I could actually imagine it saying, "In your face, bitch!"

I did destroy Alejandro's car. I would totally understand if he complains to somebody about it, I would've done the same if I were in his place.

I had barely slept when my morning alarm rang. If Mondays were bad, Tuesdays were worse. Mathematics was one reason why I despised Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Thursdays. I had an hour of mathematics on each of these days. To be very honest, I am no maths wizard. I am that person whose brain in maths class does only two thing- loading or try again.

After following my monotonous morning routine, I was out in the garage reversing out my old car (my dodge was still wrecked) to take it to school. At school, I met with Janet and we headed for our first class- mathematics.

"I copied Tony's worksheet today. I came early." Janet confessed as we were heading to the class.

"Really?" I asked. "Well, too bad you had to come early, I got the answers on phone last night."

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