Chapter 20- Regiment

Start from the beginning

I continued on with the inspection, the next company was the Infantry unit. They also had armour but lighter stuff allowing for excellent mobility and defence. Each soldier had a helmet as well, their weapons ranged from assault rifles, to shotguns, sniper rifles and carbine rifles. The infantry was split up into three separate units, a reconnaissance unit, a regular infantry unit and a sniper division. The next company was comprised of field engineers and medics.

The field engineers had armour that looked big, each armour had a small repair kit strapped to the back for either repairing armour or machinery. They also specialized in mechanized combat, ranging from tanks to mech units, troop carriers or artillery. The medics specialized in healing the troops, each carried a medic pack on their back filled with everything needed to heal a soldier out in the field.

The last company was the 500 guards, the commanders personal unit. Each had special built armour. Each soldier was hand picked by their company Sargent Major who then enlisted them in special training. They are the best of the best. One section stood out though, comprising of 5 members; Carbon, Alex, Dia, Lavender and Ashton. When you walked by them for inspection, you smile at each one of them, giving a small pat on the shoulder. They reminded you of team RWBY, that saddened you. You desperately wanted to send them a message, but you would rather do that in person. Maybe with the reveal of Lights Oath you may see them again.

Once finished with inspection you returned to the Dias and waited for the march past. It took a while but finally the lease was over. Time to address the troops.

"Hello everyone" you started off. "My name is (Y/N) (L/N), or Commander (L/N). Whatever works for you. I hope that you all will accept me as Commander and that I shall be able to work with each company more than once. I also hope that you all share in agreement that Lights Oath shall not hide in the dark fighting an endless battle. But that we shall emerge to the light and ask for assistance from the hunters and people of remnant with not only fighting Grimm but the Abyss. By working together we can repel the Abyss even further than ever done before. Repel the darkness by binding yourself to the Oath! Repel the darkness and bring glory to the Oath! We shall fight and bring peace to remnant even if it costs us our lives!" You yell. The entire army snaps go attention and starts chanting "Repel the darkness by binding to the Oath!"
That sure got them in your side.

"My first orders as for new commander, mount up! Suit up, we leave at first light tomorrow towards Vale, we shall announce ourselves to them, and broadcast it internationally! Send word to the other bases and let them follow our lead! The Vytal festival happens soon and we shall make our entrance there!" The RSM snaps to attention and brings the regiment to attention, a general salute and off I go towards the commanders office, ready to prepare more orders. The rest of the regiment prepares for the flight ahead.

"We shall take the DMB craft; Dust mobile base, it's our largest airship and most powerful. We shall have two squadrons of the Aniva-ships and five squadrons of jets patrolling each. Have the DMB carry two platoons of Goliath Mechs and half a platoon of lancers, half of infantry and a fire team of medics and engineers. The two Aniva-ships shall carry the dropshock infantry and some tanks." The RSM said, I nodded in agreement towards it.

"I'm guessing you pick to announce at the Vytal Festival our existence since it will be broadcasted live to the rest of remnant?" She asked. I nodded.
"I had heard about it, and it makes the most sense. I have a speech prepared...somewhat."

The RSM laughed. I paid more attention to her looks as well, her name was Nella Ivory, she had short blonde hair and bright green eyes, she was almost as tall as me but just a inch or two shorter. She was also very well built, quite strong (if she tried she could probably bench press me). I chuckled at the thought.

"Well, I should probably go and check on the troops. I believe you will lead us to glory sir, I have yet to see you in combat, but I look forward to it." She said extending a hand, a firmly grasped it and responded that I do as well.

Once she left I was in the room with a couple of the elders and Dan and Ryan. I looked down at the list and maps placed in front of me, with a Grimm thought roaming my mind.

What is this catastrophe that Ashan predicted about?

Is it going to happen at the festival?

-Authors Notes-

Heyyyyy, long time to see (read?)
Sorry for a long period of disappearing and no updating.

This chapter was more of a introduction to your army (how cool) I plan on trying make some pictures of each units armour and weapons and maybe a drawing of the ships, tanks and various vehicles. I know the size of the platoons and stuff are way off but eh, my army! No judgy.

The reason for the absence and neglect to this amazing story is mainly school and lack of motivation. This story did not go the way I originally planned it but I'm making it work and am slowly getting back into the groove of it. But I'm proud of what I made! Hopefully during the summer I can get some more shit out, heheheh. Hopefully if I'm not busy with work! I still have a life yenno....somewhat....

Anywho I'm back! Yay! And I missed you all my lovely children of awesome amazing ness!


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