Chapter 4: Love Letter

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The next day, Mizore walks out of her room to see Fu with his body healed but clothes still in tatters, while Fu turns to see her with a smile before noticing that she had cut her hair. "Do you like it?" She asks the boy blankly, hiding her clasped hands behind her back. "I think it suits you." Fu answers, smiling. "You didn't answer the question." Fu tilts his head in confusion before realising what she meant. "Ohhhh...Yeah, I think it's cute." Mizore's eyes widen slightly before she turns around, goes back inside her room, and shuts the door.

A befuddled Fu stands at the door. "Uh, Mizore? Are you alright?" He asks, obviously not capable of seeing through walls, for if he could, he would see Mizore's face blushing madly. A few minutes later, Mizore manages to calm herself and exits her room once more, walking with Fu towards the school.

Walking through the school grounds, the two, or rather, just Fumetsu, receives stares of both curiosity at his torn up clothing, and jealousy at the boy for walking side by side with such a cute girl. Noticing this, Mizore decides to antagonise her fellow students further by wrapping her arms around Fu's. The jealous eyes eventually leave the two when the figures of Tsukune and Moka appear further back, giving everyone a much louder target for their ire.

"So..Mizore?" Fu asks, meeting Mizore's eyes as she looks up into his. "My class is this way." Mizore blinks a few times before reluctantly letting go of his arm. Noticing the slight change in his new friend's expression, he places his hand on top of her head, patting it softly. "You gonna be alright?" He asks, to which Mizore answers with a small but genuine smile, before going her seperate way towards her class.

The boy sighs before chuckling and walking towards his own class, seeing Tsukune and Moka being their usual selves and Saizou's desk missing one Saizou. The missing student doesn't really bother him considering just who that missing person was. Sitting down in his seat in the back of the classroom, Ms Nekonome begins to address the classroom. "Okay everyone! Quiet down. And remember, Club's will be starting back up soon so put some thought into which one you'd like to join. The newspaper club is always open!" After giving her short spiel to the silent classroom, class continues like normal.

After lessons end, a mysterious envelope appears on Fu's desk, with a love heart seal that entices the boy's curiosity. Before he is able to open the letter, the door opens to reveal Mizore, who walks straight to Fu without a single hesitation as people begin to question her appearance in the room, two of whom, being Tsukune and Moka.

"Hm? Hey Mizore." Fu says nonchalantly as he looks up to see her quietly seething. Following her line of sight, he notices that her eyes are firmly centred on the letter in his hands. Deciding to check if he is right, he raises the letter up, to which Mizore follows. A mischievous smirk appears on Fu's face as he continuously moves the letter around, dragging Mizore's eyes along with it. Eventually, she reaches out to grab it so he pulls it away instinctively, only for her to reach further, resulting in her falling on top of him.

Their faces are barely an inch apart as Mizore manages to catch herself by placing her hands on Fu's chest. Both of their faces heat up for a moment before Mizore leans in closer. "So...the letter..." At Fu's mention of the letter, Mizore stands back up. "What is it?" She asks, back to her cold, blank demeanour. "Pretty sure it's a love letter. I've seen a few humans get these back home." Mizore tilts her head as it fills with images of what Fu's home could possibly look like. The images then change to the two of them standing there together, going no further as Fu begins reading.

- Dear Fumetsu.

Seeing you is like feeling the wind beneath my wings. Like a sense of freedom in both my heart and soul that can never truly be conveyed through mere words.

You probably don't know me, but I know you. Strong, brave and courageous. I suppose, I just wanted to tell you that I like you and I want to introduce myself properly. I'm sorry for not coming to you directly, but I'm not the bravest person out there.

If you feel like coming to meet me, I will be at the abandoned dorm to the west of the school at 9pm tonight. If you don't come, I'll have my answer, but please, at least get to know me?

Sincerely - N

Everyone in the class could feel the cold mist of killing intent emanating from Mizore's body, quickly leaving the room when their business there was complete. "M-Mizore?" Fu asks nervously, not particularly wanting to become a popsicle any time soon. "What are you going to do?" She asks as anyone still remaining in the class could almost see the image of a terrifying demon behind her. "Oh, that? I'll go, but I think I'll be turning her down." Fu's words seem to calm the Yuki-Onna down as the demon behind her disappears. She lets a small smile appear on her face before placing Fu's hand in her own and gently pulling him out of the room and towards the next class they had together.

Later on, in the abandoned dormitory, a familiar blonde boy sits atop the staircase, with a snide smile on his face as he rests it on his hands, watching a broken clock tick. "Are you sure that was enough to get him here?" A female voice called out, curious about the effectiveness of the plan. "Of course. I wrote that note myself so I'm confident he'll take the bait." The dark-skinned girl looks at him before smiling and returning to her position at the front of the dorm.

Moments after she leaves, another boy with dark brown hair and slit pupils walks up behind the blonde boy. "Everyone's ready. We'll show that little asshole who's boss around here." The blonde boy raises his brow and turns his face to talk to his friend. "Oh? And who's that?" His words laced with killing intent send a shock down the reptilian boy's spine. "Y-you are..." Katta returns his gaze back to the ticking clock as the hands go back and forth, unable to properly tell the time. "You're damn right I am. That bastard caught me off guard once. I won't make the same mistake again. The moment he comes through the door, show him what we do to arrogant pure-bloods like him." The blonde boy begins to chuckle until his subordinate asks him another question. "What about the girl?" Katta gets to his feet, turning to face his friend once more as the rotting wood creaks beneath his feet. "What about her? Lock the dumb bird in a cage, have your fun with her, I don't care." The two boys smile to each other until Katta walks off towards his own room to wait out the last thirty minutes before his prey arrives.

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