Chapter 3: Yuki Onna

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[A/N] "Art at the top belongs to Allmore -Deviantart"

"Aaaghh! Where are you!?" Fumetsu's dark-skinned stalker lets out an exasperated yell as she prowls the school grounds. She huffs as she blows her messy, dark silver hair out of her onyx eyes. She takes a moment to breath and pushes her hair back behind her red and off-white headband that covers her forehead. "Hey there. Looking for someone?" A male voice asks the girl who turns to see the same blonde boy that was scared stiff by Fumetsu yesterday.

She stares for a moment before the realisation hits her. "Ah! It's you! How are you?" The boy is taken aback by the girl's friendliness, right up until she pats the bandages on his nose, causing him to scream out. "Agh! What was that for!?" The girl is startled by the sudden exclamation. "W-what? What did I do?" The boy looks up at the girl, realising that she hadn't done it on purpose and smiles widely.

The petite girl tilts her head to the side in confusion at the blonde boy's sudden change in facial expression. "You've been following that Fumetsu guy, right?" The petite girl is surprised to hear that she'd been discovered. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Just come with me and we can talk about it ok?" The girl blinks a few times before tilting her head once more. "But...I don't want to go with you. I still need to find that guy! I'm gonna catch him in the act! Then I can put a stop to his bullying for good!" The boy stares bewildered at the bird-brained, justice seeker before an idea comes to his mind. "Well, then it just so happens that we want the same thing." The boy says, feigning a kind smile to the best of his abilities.

The girl keeps her head tilted, prompting the boy to continue. "We lure him out. All you'd need to do is write something then lay in wait. My friends and I'll do the rest." The girl seems to ponder this for a moment before nodding her head up and down vehemently, agreeing to the proposal. "Perfect. My name's Katta by the way. What's yours?" The boy asks innocently. "Nanako!" The girl states happily before following Katta to only he knows where.

Meanwhile, Fumetsu is hurrying through the forest of dead trees towards Mizore's dorm, hoping to get there before something bad happens. "Dammit. The hell is wrong with this school!?" He shouts as he runs, eventually finding himself with a dorm nearby. A large amount of mist sits in his way, preventing him from seeing anything that might be hiding within. Without another second's hesitation, the boy walks into the sight obscuring mist.

Nothing but silence reaches his ears as a thin layer of ice begins to form over his uniform, then skin. "So it's not natural...well, the journal did say she'd freeze me for reading anything. I guess this makes her an ice Yokai." He mumbles to himself as he continues, unabated, through the freezing mist.

A moment later, the scent of blood fills his nose. Looking down, he notices a new cut on his side that appears deep, with the skin around it turning black and purple. "Well that wasn't very nice." He states sarcastically to the figure a few steps behind him. Turning around to face his assailant, what he sees, is Mizore Shirayuki, with claws made of ice covering her hands, stiff, frozen hair and cracked features running along her body and clothing. "You're not really her." He says smugly, expecting her to be thrown off by his discovery.

The fake Mizore simply stands there with an expressionless face before replying. "No, I'm not." The fake seems to analyse her new foe while she speaks. "Can I talk to the real you then?" Fu asks, without a hint of fear in his dark eyes. "No. She's busy." Fu's eyes half close in annoyance as he keeps his attention on the fake. "You realise that teacher isn't who you think he is?" The fake Mizore shows the boy a look of anger as she positions herself to strike. "Don't talk about him like that. I'll kill you!"

Without waiting for another word to leave Fu's mouth, she charges, slashing at his chest a multitude of times, slicing through his flesh with every strike. Going for one last strike to his face, to end it all, she slashed at him, only to miss. Her eyes widen when she notices that her lower arms all the way to the elbow, have shattered completely. "W-what?" She backs away slowly from the blood covered boy, unsure entirely of what just happened. The boy in front of her shoots a dangerous stare that seems to show her a pair of deep, red pupils. Whether out of fear or something else entirely, the fake Mizore falls backwards, landing on her behind as her body begins to crack and fall apart. This is when a scream can be heard from behind them, alerting them to the fact that something has gone horribly wrong.

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