Maybe Someday ~Edward Cullen Oneshot~

Start from the beginning

I elbowed him in the side. "What?" He questioned turning towards me.

"What's with you? Why are you staring at the new girl?" I questioned.

"I can't read her thoughts." He explained and I laughed.

"Well, lucky her." I said rolling my eyes. I turned and smacked Emmett when he started laughing. "It wasn't funny." I commented and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Jasper questioned and I gave him a smile.

"To the art room." I informed them. "Peace." I said and left out of the cafeteria. It wasn't that I didn't want to be around them but I had to escape Edward. If I had slipped even a little, he'd would've known how much I loved him and he didn't need to know. I've known him long enough to know that if he found out he'd be grossed out. I didn't need him to be revolted by me, so I fled. I should be able to be under control by bio class.

I stiffened when I saw her walk in and saw her catch eye of Edward. Edward also stiffened when he caught scent of her. Great, just fudging great. And by her I mean the new girl, Bella. "Go sit by Mr. Cullen." The Bio teacher told her and I sighed. This is definitely going to be an interesting class.


Edward was coming back today, he finally decided that he wasn't going to run everytime he smelt something that made him hungry. I sat in my room examining my black nails as if they were the most interesting thing. I didn't want to see him right now, he would just make things more difficult for me. I don't need anything to be difficult.

"Nicole, Honey, come down here and welcome Edward home!" Esme called from the stairs.

I heaved myself up and made my way down the stairs. "Welcome back." I whispered as I gave him a soft squeeze. I felt him gulp as he hugged me back. I wondered briefly why he seemed so nervous. Probably because he had to be around that girl again. "How was your visit with the Denali Coven?" I asked.

"It was okay." He replied as I moved away and I nodded.

"I'm going to go make me something to eat." I said, an excuse to get away from the man who was so close yet so far away.

"Alright, Dear." Esme said giving me a light smile.

I walked into the kitchen and pulled out the ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies. While they were in the oven I made a quick sandwich and atte it. When they were done I took them out and put them on a plate. I grabed the plate and walked into the living room. The welcoming party had dispersed and now Emmett, Rosalie, and I were the only one's in the room.

"Where'd everyone go?" I questioned taking a bite out of a cookie.

"To spend time with their mates." Rosalie replied, or maybe hinted, and cuddled into Emmett on the couch.

I gave them a strange look and decided to go find Edward, who was most likely in his bedroom. I hurried up the stairs, down the hall, and stood infront of the door next to mine. Edward's door. I placed the rest of my cookie in between my teeth so I could knock on his door.

"Come in." Edward said and I did so. He looked over at me and chuckled. I grabbed the cookie from inbetween my teeth and bit down. "What'd you need?" He questioned.

I smiled and placed the plate of cookies on his table of journels. "Well...nothing." I shook my head and playfully sat down on his stomach, not like it matters.

He arched an eyebrow and I could tell he was trying to read my mind. I smirked back knowing my mind was blank. "Really, what is it?" He asked sitting up making me land on his lap.

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