Caught in the Middle~Chapter 4

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I woke up around two-ish. My hair was frizzy and sticking to my neck from sweat. I shivered in disgust. My room was like a hot tub…on the sun. I walked around the room and opened all my windows. Then I had an idea. I think it’s safe to say that the ideas I come up with in the middle of the night aren’t thought out. This one sounds really great though.

I put my iPod dock on the small table near the window on Sage’s side. I set the alarm for six and made sure the volume was all the way up. As long as he normally wakes up after six nothing can go wrong with this plan. I hope he likes my kind of music.

I snuggled back into the comfort of my bed, and easily fell back to sleep. I dreamt of my old school and my new school. The two places I really wanted to avoid going to.

Just woke up it’s a brand new day

So many things that I wanna say

So maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Who knew blaring music would travel to your neighbors house, and stay in your room. I did a good job picking the song though. It’s a brand new day and I’m in a brand new town. It’s crazy how some songs fit your life.

I jumped out of bed and rushed to my window ready to watch the show. Sage should consider himself special. I never get out of bed that fast. I won’t tell him that, because he’ll probably take it straight to his head. Speaking of his head, it was on the body walking angrily to his window.

The phrase if looks could kill was wrong. His ‘look’ looked tired, but his eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head and start stabbing me. The eyes are the killers, the rest of the face is just back-up.

I could faintly hear him say turn the music down. Of course I wasn’t the type of person to do that. I pointed to my ear and shrugged. I couldn’t help the smug expression I was obviously giving him. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. Then he laced his fingers together and brought them to his chin. I could see him mouth out the word please. I bit my lip and pretended to think about it.

I turned the volume down, but not because of him. I realized that my parents were probably going to get mad at me for waking them up.

“Thanks Riley, now I’m up a whole hour before I had to wake up.”

I tried to give an innocent smile. “Oops!”

“Yeah, uh huh, sure, I don’t even think I can go back to sleep.” He ran a hand through his hair; it looked a little brown today. “Are you ready for your first day of school?”

“Not at all,” I grimaced at the thought of another school.

“Don’t worry, that school worships me. I’ll make sure nobody messes with you.”

“Thanks, sort of,” I sounded so awkward.

“I would ask if you want a ride, but all the seats in my car are full. It’s probably too late to tell one of my friends I’m going to ditch them anyway.”

“It’s fine. I can ride the bus. It’ll be a character builder.”

He chuckled. “Whatever you say sweetie, just don’t get freaked out by the scary people.” Wait, what did he call me? “Yeah I said sweetie.”

“Don’t call me that. Ever.”

“Does it bother you?”


“Perfect,” he sent me a pretty perfect smile.

“Bye Sage.”

“Bye sweetie.” I scowled, and turned.

I turned right into a frowning Landon. “What was the loudness about?”

“I’m sorry, but Sage woke me up early yesterday with his music. Who can understand rap anyway?” He seemed to soften and he gave me a slight smile.

“You did this to get back at Sage?” I nodded enthusiastically. “Then I guess I can forgive you.”

“Yay!” I threw my arms around his neck in a quick hug.

“I said I guess, I’ll only completely forgive you if you wear what I picked out for you today.”

“The purple one?” I thought back to last night to one of his creations. It was a light purple sparkly tank top with a dark purple skirt. The smallest skirt I owned. It also included my shredded tights, and knee high boots. If you put them together the right way all my clothes were pretty slutty, and Landon was determined to find the worst one.

“No way, that one was a joke. If you wore that I would lose all my respect for you, but I would definitely think you were hot.”

I rolled my eyes at his teenaged boyness. “What did you pick out then?”

“Well after you fell asleep I found this. I would like it to be noted that the only reason I'm so good with picking out clothes is I’d have to help Nicole get ready for school every morning when she was littler.”

My lace covered jean shorts were laying next to a hot pink fitted tee. La la la was written in white across the front in cursive. My black and pink DCs were in line too. “I can’t wait to go to school in this.”

“Good, because you need to hurry and change, the bus will be here in about fifteen minutes.”


“It’s ok, since you have such good taste in music I could take you, but I leave in forty five.”

“Thank you so much! I’ll get ready now. So you should get out of my room.” He looked around and blushed like he just realized he was in my room. “I’ll meet you at your house then.”

It took exactly forty four minutes for me to get ready. I grabbed a piece of toast on the way out the door and quickly walked to Landon’s house.

“Exactly forty five, I’m proud of you,” He said as I got in the car. I love how close we’d gotten in a day.

The whole way to the school Landon and I argued about which bands were better. It took exactly five minutes to get to the school. That was not a long enough of a drive for me to mentally prepare.

“You ready?” I slowly shook my head no, but got out of the car anyway.

Colbie’s POV

“I wish Riley was here.” I muttered to the rest of my friends.

“I know! How am I going to survive science now? You two are terrible teachers.” My friend Kat, always one to use hand jesters, waved her arms all around her head.

Raleigh looked around nervously. “Cool it with the arms Kat. Sandra might blame Riley for her getting caught, but we aren’t completely off her radar. Especially because you’re Marshal’s sister, she might think you were trying to protect him.”

Kat sighed. “I really wish Riley was here now. Marshal’s single for the first time since he was a freshman and he’s wanted to talk to her. I also wish she would believe me when I said he felt bad and didn’t blame her.”

I looked around the cafeteria and popped a fry in my mouth. Marshal looked lost, but I’m sure none of his idiot friends would notice. I noticed because I’ve known him since he was seven. He’s honestly as dumb as his friends; the boy couldn’t tell how much Riley liked him. When I say she likes him, I mean she’s liked him since he was in eighth grade, and he’s a senior now.

I looked for Sandra. Damn, the bitch bounces back quick. She had her arm slung around the waist of a sophomore. Wow a grade younger. She must be running out of upperclassmen. She looked over her shoulder and must have caught me looking at her. With a flip of her hair and a roll of her eyes she turned back around.

She wasn’t the reason Riley moved of course, but Riley didn’t hesitate to agree with her parents when they told her. That was defiantly Sandra’s fault. After what she did to Riley, two hundred miles wasn’t far enough.

I don't really think this chapter was very good. It was a total filler. The next chapter will be longer and most likely more intersesting...I hope. Anyway thanks for reading?

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