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A flashing hue brightened the darkened bedroom. The starlight was moving in different directions and covering everything in its path.  Night time went from dull to shining as it advanced from the corner of the cherub's room towards the last remain part of it.  

It transpired from see-through towards a golden yellow tone as it spiraled towards the child staring at with transfixed irises.  His irises were wide and innocent as it gleaned from the sight of a strange occurrence happening in her bedroom. He was perched in the bed with the covers around the boy's knees and with his hands clutching a teddy bear.

"You must be the child from the.." a wispy voice said as the hue soon changed from just light to a figure of someone floating over his bedroom floor. A woman with a solemn expression with short chocolate brown hair cut at her nape with her hands playing with the fabric.   The dress was medium-sized as it fell over her feet. It was a light blue with strings tied around her stomach giving a tighter form as it pushed up her boobs and showed the matrons curves. Baby blue silk trailed to the floor as she moved towards the bed stretching her right forearm towards the cherub. Thin fingers under the saggy and wrinkled skin with the fingers nails clipped off erring on the ring finger and the pinky.   The fingers were long and thin with her palm facing the boy.

"Who are you?" He asked as the matrons face started to shrivel away into nothing but a skeletons face with the jaw hanging by a thread.  The skin soon changed from healthy to moldy.  Josiah never got an answer to the question since the clothes before the skin started to follow in the process of deteriorating itself.  All that was a leftover decomposing corpse is the skeleton bones.

It had not moved from where it sat. It wouldn't move. It was still there when he woke up after a long night of it staring at him.  Black eye sockets were huge and round just empty of any movement. The skull was covered in specks of dust with cracks aligned around the cheeks.  It was pretty spooky for it to be unmoving and hovering over his bed.

The boy tried to reach towards it with a fearful mien as his hand touched the flat surface of it.  It crumbled to the ground into a pile of dust. Then the dust started to move as if the wind caused it to move even though the window is closed. Soon the cremated ashes were disappearing from its place until there is nothing left. Except for the brown-haired boy that had been left alone in the room.  For this strange event seemed to stem other events that will happen in the future. 

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