10. Chaos

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I watched Klaus as he ran towards Ruby and looked back to the ghosts. They nodded at me and my mother send me a smile. "Be careful." She said and I smiled back at her. "I will." Then, they send me back just when Ruby was about to harm my love.

"Let him go!" I yelled, angrily and rushed towards Ruby and then held her in a chokehold. "You are dead... You can't-- You can't be here." She said frightened and I smirked. "I will end you for harming my family. I will end you for harming my love. By the end of the night you will be dead." I said in a cold tone and my eyes flashed when I let her go.
My other half looked in shock at my appearance when I turned around to him.

When I turned back to Ruby she growled in anger. "You won't cross my plans. Because I will kill you over and over until you stay dead." She snarled and I kicked her in the stomach. "That's the thing-" I said before punching her in the face. "You can't kill me." I added in rage. I kicked her again and she flew a few feet away against a tree. "I am immortal! Who's the strongest now?" I snarled before flashing my eyes and opening a portal behind me, near Klaus.

Hope and Hayley came through and Sara took Hope by the hand before they began to chant. "I'm a thousand years old, you can't kill me!" She yelled in anger at me before she screamed the scream of agony. I was pushed back with force and groaned in pain. "But we can purify you!" Davina said and I looked at her. She had several cuts on her body, just like the others who were human. She also took Hope's hand and I exhaled the air inside my lungs in relief.

Ruby began to laugh and I got up. "Look at you, it's hilarious, really! You think you can defeat me by purifying this soul. This body and mind is already lost! But come on, try your best." She said and got up. Hope, Sara and Davina chanted but I broke the spell once I knew what was going on. "Nik, throw me at my signal through the portal."  I said through our link.

I closed my eyes, begging the ancestors for help and they opened a portal a few feet away from Ruby. Thanks, I thought. "This ends now!" With that I screamed an other type of revilas scream. A forbidden one. Klaus suddenly grabbed me and threw through the portal. When I reached the ghosts I looked with remorse at them. "I am so sorry. This is the only way we can stop this." I said and pulled out the sacred dagger and thrusted it in the ground. "Kill the real monster." Their voices were once again echoing and before I could reply the explosion from the dagger hit me and I went back.

The portal was left open and I stood back with my family. Ruby desperately tried to close it. "What did you do!?" She yelled and I focused again. Davina, Hope and Sara stopped chanting. "We defeated you." Hope said and I watched Ruby running towards me, but my hand thrusted into her chest and I squeezed her heart. "You want to know what my death felt like?" I said sharp, yet very quietly in her ear. Her eyes flashed and I flashed mine, too.

"It felt like this." I whispered and pulled her heart out. She gasped and her eyes went back to normal. "Our fight is over." I added slowly and Klaus pulled me away from her as the destruction from the ghost's realm took over Meridial.

"We need to go now!" Sara yelled and opened a portal. Davina, Kol and Freya went through it immediately because Sophia made them. Before the wave of power could hit me Klaus grabbed me and Hope and went through the portal. Hayley and Elijah followed quickly. Rebekah and Marcel screamed in pain as the wave hit them, but still went through the portal. The next screams I've heard were from Sophia and Sara. They managed to come through but they weren't moving when they hit the ground.

The portal closed before the power could take over the earth, but we all knew it was too late for Meridial and the revilas. My kingdom was gone for good. And so was Ruby.

Klaus suddenly pulled me to his body and I sighed in relief that he was fine. Well, as fine as someone could be after fighting an immortal. I wrapped my arms around him. "I thought you were dead." He whispered and I shaked my head. "I am not. Thanks to my mother and the ghosts." I pulled away from him and looked at Rebekah and Marcel. They were already healing. But it was way worse for my sister and Sophia.

I kneeled down next to them and tucked away my sisters hair from her face. She healed very slowly. And then all the bruises and cuts they had. "They will be fine. They just need to rest. No vampire blood." I said and Klaus helped me to get them upstairs in beds.

I closed the door behind me after I brought my sister to bed and sighed heavily. I went downstairs and looked into the faces of my friends. Rebekah rushed towards me and hugged me. "Don't you ever die again! Do you hear me?" She said it in a treathening tone and I nodded. She pulled away, looking at Klaus for a second when he joined us.

"You knew that she was going to kill you, but you went anyway. Why?" Rebekah asked and I looked curiously to Klaus. "She killed Olivia. Should I have waited for her comeback, Rebekah? We didn't knew that she had the power to come back, at all. What are your questions about, sister?" He said and Rebekah smiled. "I want you to say it, Nik. Admit it. You've fallen for her." I rolled my eyes at the female original.

"No, no, no. I'm so not gonna hear those words like that. I'm out." I said and wanted to dramatically walk out but someone hold me back and then I felt his lips crushing on mine. I immediately kissed him back and smiled when we pulled apart. I knew I blushed right now, but I didn't care. "That's a way to make a statement." I whispered and then pulled away. For a few moments it was all silent.

"I need a shower." I said and we all went into our rooms.

After a long, hot and needed shower I left the bathroom in a towel and wasn't surprised to see my love sitting on my bed. I ignored him and went off to my drawer and picked something to wear. "You know I'd like to dress myself without any staring of you." I said without turning around. "You forgot something." He said and hold my black dress up. "Dinner." I whispered and his fingertips trailed along my neck. "You know-" I cut him off as an idea appeared in my head and I turned around to him. "Let's do it. Go out and just forget the world around us. Just for this night." I said and he smirked at me. "You're sure?" He asked and I nodded, grinning.

"I want this. I want- I want all of this." I whispered and then he kissed my cheek. "Get ready then. I'll wait downstairs for you." He whispered into my ear, then he left the room so I could get ready.

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