5. Castle

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Here I stood, infront of my people. Infront of my family. Freya told me that Sophia wished to see me to make a clear statement and that is what I'll do. Now.

The nobles infront of me bowed down as soon as they came in and looked at the Mikaelsons in surprise and anger. They feared everything who wasn't like them and I understood it.

As the whispers began I flashed my eyes and stepped forward. "I know what you are thinking! Why are they here? What do they want? Are we safe? Is our world safe? But I tell you now, none of you has to fear the Mikaelson family. They are just as unique as we are. Nothing will change except for one thing! Some of you may heard it already and are not pleased with it, but, I'm going to marry Klaus Mikaelson. Not because I have to marry, but out of the one thing about me I'm glad I've got it - the soul bond. However, those news are not going to affect you in any way... As many of you heard I want to make it official, Sophia Chamberlain isn't the regent and the keeper of the soul stone anymore. We agreed to make that decision to keep the revilas safe." I said and they listened quietly to me.

"When are you going to do the ritual of the blood moon? In two years, in four? The last time--" My anger suddenly grew with every word the nobles had to say. "I am your Queen! And I don't need to explain myself infront of you! The ritual of the blood moon is complex, something you wouldn't understand." I yelled in anger. A guard came forward and bowed and I sighed as I watched the others leave the throne room.

"There is something you shoud know, my Queen. In your absence I've watched Sophia Chamberlain per your request and I've seen her comitting a crime." I took deep breaths, before I stepped forward and held my hand out. The guard put his hand in mine and I closed my eyes as I entered his mind.

When I openend them again, I gasped in shock. Then Sophia stepped into the room and I flashed my eyes in anger. "Guards! Surround her. Chain her up." I yelled and stepped closer to the former regent. "What is this? You can't do this to me." The Mikaelsons and I watched Sophia as she started to chant a spell, but the chains on her made it impossible for her to do a spell. "I haven't done anything." She exclaimed and I laughed bitterly. "Tell that to eldests. I want her chained up in the dungeons and Sara to get a report of her crimes. She'll handle it from here." I said to the guards and they nodded. "Of course." They mumbled and went off with the former regent.

I shaked the memories of her crimes off my head and took deep breaths before I turned to the Mikaelsons. "Am I the only one who's getting scared of her?" Hope asked and I smiled at her. "There's no need to be scared. I've got everything under perfect control. That's how I handle the ones who disobeys and defys me."

Hope and her family stood in the middle of a magical circle. Surrounded by the trees and the beautiful nature of Meridial.

"You're sure that's safe?" Kol asked me and I smiled at him. "Did I ever do something that would bring you in danger?" I asked and he smirked. "Well-" I cut him off and shaked my head. "Okay, stop." I said and grinned widely. Elijah still didn't had his memories back so I had to drag him with me. I needed all of them for this.

"What's going on?" Davina asked, slightly scared and I created a portal right infront of us. "I want you to jump." Now, they all looked slightly concerned and I sighed. "There's something waiting for you down there. You trust me guys, don't you?" They all nodded and began to smile. "I'm going first and tell you if it's okay." Hayley suddenly said and I smiled at her. "Thanks." I whispered and she went through the portal. I heard a quiet gasp and then Hayley saying, "You... You need to come down here. This is... beautiful." Hope went after her mother and the others followed quickly. When I stepped as the last through the portal Klaus catched my easily before I could break any of my bones.

"Thank you." I whispered when he let me down and I interwined my fingers with his. "Anytime, my love." He whispered back and I felt a shiver running down my spine. "What is this?" Kol asked and was about to touch the very stone that gave me strength before I quickly moved forward and stopped him. "Do not touch any of this." I said and reached out for the stone myself before I turned around.

My necklace and the stone both glowed and I smiled for a second. "Any sort of magic that isn't from Meridial will destroy these relics within seconds and my powers die immediately." I said and put the stone bacl on it's temple. "Why are you showing us this?" Davina asked and looked around. She stood infront of a silver dagger and looked at it curiously. "Because Sophia stole something from me and I want it back. I thought maybe you could help me get it back." I whispered. I knew that is was wrong to ask them, but I had no othet choice. "What did she stole?" Klaus asked and looked concerned at me. "The soul stone." I whispered weakly and his eyed widened.

"Just to make this clear, she has the one thing that holds a power over the both of you?" Hope asked and looked at Klaus and me with a raised eyebrow. The both of us nodded. "How do we get it back?" She aske and I smirked for a second. I let my eyes glow and the green-ish glow arround my fingers appeared. "With united magic." I said. I looked at Davina, Freya and Hope and they smiled at me. "I'm in." They said unison.

THE QUEEN OF THE DARK WORLD , klaus mikaelson ² ✔️Where stories live. Discover now