Chapter 12

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The ocean waves brushed up against her body as she laid against the sand.  Her fingers curled into the wet grains as she looked up to the night sky.  It was covered with the brightest stars twinkling down on her.

The softest lips began pressing against her neck.  The kisses were small but plenty.  Her entire body sparked with each one.  She knew she was dreaming.  Because she knew whose lips they were. 

And she knew she was never to feel Michael’s lips on her body ever again.


Liliana was in Los Angeles staying in her condo.  She had company, her right hand man Mitch who helped run her business and her publicist Lucille. 

And also, Michael was visiting as well.

Liliana sat in the middle of Lucille and Michael.  The two of them looked over Lily’s shoulder at the laptop as they were exploring Liliana’s new Twitter account.

“See, you already have over 20,000 followers and I just created it this morning,” Lucille explained pointing to her follower count.

“How do people find me?” Liliana asked.

“Well, your first tweet was retweeted this many times…”  She began navigating through the pages.  “And that means your tweet will show up on their timeline and all of their followers will see it on their timelines…”

“This sounds complicated,” Michael said rolling a lollipop in his mouth.

“It takes time to get used to but that’s what I’m here for.  It’s a good way for her to connect with her fans though.”  She looked at Michael.  “I can make you one,” she said with a wink.

He smiled and shook his head.  “Oh, no thanks.”

“You have tons of fans on here and many pages dedicated to you.”

“Oh yeah?  Where?” he asked challenging her.

Lucille typed his name in the search bar.  Different accounts with different pictures of Michael flooded the screen.  Moonwalker, The Gloved One, Heal the World, anything related to Michael Jackson was there username. 

His smile stretched from ear to ear.  “Wow.  That’s amazing.”

Lucille brought up Liliana’s followers list.  “As you can see, a lot of your fans, Michael, follow Liliana.”

“Follow them back.  All of them,” he demanded.

“We don’t want to be unfair.  I’ll leave that up to Liliana.”

She was still trying to figure out the Twitter lingo.  “What’s a mention?”

Lucille laughed.

“It’s when someone directly speaks to you.”  Michael was catching on a little quicker.  “Look,” he said as one jumped out at him.  “Umm, ‘@LilianaLopez Is it true u…” He began to squint.  “’& MJ dnt tlk NE-mur? Pls say no.’”

The two girls giggled as he seemed to struggle with reading the abbreviated message.

“Aww, tweet @MrsMichaelJackson58 back.”

The girls laughed again.

“Ok, so let’s actually do your first twitpic,” Lucille said grabbing the laptop.

“Twitpic?” Liliana asked grinning.  “Oh geez.”

Mitch handed Lucille a camera.  “This is a candid shot.  You should take a pic together,” he suggested.

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