Chapter 2

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Paris, France


I just woke up in Paris feeling extremely groggy.  Not the ideal way to wake up to such a beautiful city.  I have the worst headache on planet Earth right now.

I push my chair to the large window of my hotel room. I don’t want to fully open the curtains because my babies are still sleeping.  So I sit and put my feet up on the chair, bringing my knees to my chest and wrap my blanket around me.  I grab my coffee and lightly take sips here and there.  I take a peek out the curtain and wince at the bright sun.  I decide to wrap the heavy blue curtain around me, letting the sunshine hit my cold, pale skin.  Mmm, it’s warmth feels so good on me right now.

I cried myself to sleep last night thinking of my failed marriage.  That’s why my head is heavy and throbbing. 

I want to go back to that place where everything was just fine.  Where I was working at Disneyland and Michael would come stalk me from time to time.  That Anaheim apartment where we first kissed and then where we first made love.  That lovely island where we married in front of our close relatives and friends… Life is too complicated now.  Michael has another album coming out again this fall and I’m just not the girl I used to be.  Fame has gotten to me and not in a bad way.  I haven’t let it go to my head or anything.  It just keeps me busy.  I’m still that girl from the Bronx.  I always will be.  But I admit I have some Hollywood in me.  Well, in a good way as well.  I carry class.

The other day is a perfect example.  When Michael told me he was seeing Daniella, the old Liliana would’ve punched her right in her mouth so it could swell shut.  But I didn’t.  I’m Ms. Liliana Lopez, international fashion designer.  A lot of young girls look up to me as well as grown women.  I wrote a book two years ago about my life story and the feedback was amazing.  I really do love what I do.  And Michael has always been my number one supporter.  Even now, as we’ve been separated for some time now, he’s never missed one event.  It’s nice knowing he’ll always have my back no matter what.

I jump while sipping my coffee and burn my tongue.  Someone is knocking at my door.  I put the coffee down and run to see who it could be.  I look through the peephole and see the beautiful Ms. Elizabeth Taylor.  I smile wide and open up the door following my arms wide to embrace her.  I’ve missed her so much.

“Heyyyy,” she whispers smiling as well.

We hold each other tightly.  “I’m so happy you’re here.”  I take a look at her.  Always stunning.  “You look beautiful, Liz.”

“Why, thank you.”

“Come in,” I say fanning my hand inside the room.  “The kids are sleeping but we can sit over there,” I say pointing towards the small table by the window.

“This doesn’t look like a suite,” she says looking around.

“It’s not.  There was a small little mix up.  I’ll be moving into mine later this afternoon.”

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