Chapter 10

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The microphone trembled in his hand.  “Umm. I-uh, just wanted-”

“We can’t hear you, baby!” Liliana yelled from her seat.

Slightly embarrassed, Micah quickly brought the mic to his lips. “Sorry.  I just wanted to say a few things…”  He was drunk…and nineteen years old trying to make his intoxication unrecognizable. “I just wanted to say a few things to my dad.”

(February 8, 2008)

“Dad, I just want to say that I love you, I’m proud of you.” His focus went more towards his connotation than the actual words he was speaking.  “Thriller 25 is already a success.  It was very exciting to get in the studio with you and watch you work on an album that changed history.  Father or not, I will always look up to you and your genius.  But because you are my father, I want nothing but the best for you.  I hate to see you down.  I hate to see you upset.  I hate to see you-cry.”  His eyes shut and he seemed to be on the edge of tears himself.

The alcohol in his system seemed to be kicking out all logic and replaced it with overwhelming blunt emotions.  The room was filled with not only close family and friends of Michael’s but label exec’s and celebrity friends and admirers as well.

“Dad,” he strained looking across the room to his father.

Michael, Liliana, and Ava, all sitting together, smiled towards Micah.

“Dad, I don’t want to see you hurt and angry.  I just want you to be happy.  It sucks when your whole life, you’re trying to do some good and…”  The first of many tears broke free from their cage.  “…people are constantly trying to battle you.  When times get hard, that’s when you realize who your true friends are.”

“Oh, shit,” TJ, Michael’s nephew, said from his seat.

“Half of these people in this room, no, more than half…”

TJ quickly stood from his seat as Micah continued his speech.

All of the guests’ faces began to screw in confusion. 

TJ met Micah in the center of the room and tried to take the mic from him with a smile.

“Nah, man.  I’m almost done,” Micah said to his twin cousin.

“Choose your words carefully,” he demanded in his ear. He turned towards the crowd and gave them an easing smile.

Micah brought the mic back to his lips. “It’s very nice that you all have gathered here today to be here for the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the biggest selling album of all time…”

Michael began to worry as he detected sarcasm in his son’s tone.

“It’s great that you all were willing to walk the red carpet and take numerous pictures for the same people who were bashing my father just a few years ago.”

Everyone squirmed as Micah’s words quickly changed the mood in the room.

TJ reached for the mic again.  “Okay.  That’s enough.”

Michael was frozen in chair.

Micah stepped away from his cousin.  “I’m sorry.  But where were all of you when my father sat on trial?”

Liliana quickly made her way to her son.  “Stop,” she said in an earnest tone with her finger pointing directly to him.  “You will not embarrass your father,” she seconded with a head shake.

Micah began to dodge her as well.  “Ma, you’re not innocent in this.”

Liliana froze in shock.

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