Chapter 4

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As I walk in Michael’s room of his suite, his TV’s volume is low and the lights are off.  His sheets are messy and it smells like his cologne.  He shuts the door behind me and then places his hands on my waist.  “Come,” he says with a little push towards his bed.

I’m wondering what he’s thinking.

He walks around me and goes to his bed and takes a seat on the end.  “Come here, please.”  He seems tired of telling me the same thing over and over again.

I take a few steps to meet in front of him.  “What did you want to talk to me about?”  Whatever it is, he could’ve just said it over the phone. 

Michael places his two hands behind my thighs and pulls my body closer to him.  He rests his head against my left leg.

I knew he didn’t want to talk.  “What, Michael?”

“I can’t sleep,” he grumbles.

“Why not?”  I place my hand on his head and start rubbing on his hair. 

“I don’t know.  I’m so stressed.”

“Because of me?”

“Partially.  But I won’t put it all on you.”  His voice is cracking.  He sounds exhausted.  I can only imagine how his body feels right now.  He hasn’t performed like that in a very long time.  “Can you lay down with me?”

“What did you want to talk about?” I say, ignoring to answer his question.

“I’m scared to tell you.”  He lifts his head and departs from my touch.  He shifts his body back on the bed and then gets under the covers.

“Scared to tell me what?”  I remove my sneakers and crawl on the bed to him.  Instead of lying under the covers with him, I sit up on top of them. 

“I don’t know where to begin.  It’s about Daniella,” he says tiredly.

“Where is she anyway?”  I for sure expected she’d be here.

“We’re not together, Liliana.  We’re just friends but she’s…”  He was struggling with his words.

“She’s what?”  Naturally, my body moves closer to him.  He’s speaking so softly. 

He shakes his head and then shuts his eyes as if he’s falling asleep.

I roll my eyes and then get up under the covers with him.  My jeans are uncomfortably tight so I carefully and quietly remove them.  His eyes are still closed.  I place them on the floor and lay down on the fluff pillow.  I turn my back towards him.  He obviously has fallen asleep already within minutes. 

At around 3 a.m., not even an hour later, I wake up to Michael tapping my bare leg.  “What?” I moan.

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