Breathe Kalani. Blink a few times so he knows you're not falling apart inside.

"You possess all the qualities I want in my wife and the mother of my child. You've managed to become my other half. You're strong, captivating, independent, selfless, patient, empathetic and everything that I'm not. All qualities I hope our daughter will gain from you," he spoke with no struggle like he meant every word. "You make me a better man. I'm undeserving of a woman like you, but I promise I'll work everyday to make sure I earn everything you've given me. And I promise I'll make sure you never regret your decision to choose me."

My eyes were blurry and I wanted to curl up into his arms and cry because no one has ever spoken words like this to me before.

"Please marry me, Kalani," he opened the box and I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from weeping because the ring inside was beyond anything I ever could've wished for. It had a large emerald cut diamond with a gold, dainty band covered in mini diamonds.

"Um," I tried to think of words but I couldn't because everything was turning to mush. "I'm trying to think of the perfect thing to say back because the speech was beautiful. But I'm having trouble breathing right now if I'm being completely honest," I admitted with a cracked voice. He revealed his smile, taking my hand to kiss.

"A simple yes will do for now."

"Yes," I nodded before he slid the ring onto my finger and it fit perfectly like it was meant for just me. I hugged his neck, having him pick me off the chair to hug me back.

"Happy birthday," he whispered into my ear as he squeezed me tight. "You have to eat though. We have a busy schedule for today," he rubbed my back, sitting on the chair with me on his lap.

"We do?" This trip seemed like enough. I would be fully satisfied with us just staying in here.

"We have a helicopter picking us up in less than two hours," he informed me and I had to resist my urges to scream. Someone needed to pinch me because this all felt like a dream.


He wiped my face, making sure to get rid of my prior tears. "That's all I can tell you. The rest is a surprise."

"You are full of surprises this weekend," I poked his nose.

Our breakfast was amazing and we quickly got ready in the small bathroom before we were off on a mini walk to the helicopter.

My jaw was on the helicopter floor. We were high in the sky, looking down at all the snow covering the land. There were huge mountains I never became accustomed with in New York. It snows in New York all the time, but this felt like I was in an entire other world. The sight was breathtaking and I couldn't believe I was experiencing this with Grayson.

"How are you not dying right now?" I looked at Grayson who was staring at me rather than outside the windows.

"I'm used to seeing a more breathtaking view," he adjusted the headset I wore.

Our attention went outside when the helicopter slowly started descending to the ground. I removed my headset, getting out of the helicopter with Grayson's help. The snow was blinding from the sun, making everything white and bright. Grayson removed the gloves and a toque from the backpack on his shoulders. He put the toque on my head before sliding my gloves on. The sun may be out, but it was still freezing outside.

"You're spoiling me," I smiled up at him. He's done nothing but take care of me this entire trip, like my legs and arms have stopped working. But I'm not complaining.

"If you get frostbite, I'll never hear the end of it from you," he muttered under his breath, pulling a scarf from the bag. That's very true. "Not to mention, we share the same bed. If you get sick, I get sick and I refuse."

"Now that you mention it, I feel a flu-like cough coming on," I pretended to cough before he gave me a disapproving glare.

Hearing something slide against the ground, I turned with widened eyes when I saw huskies running up to us with a man on a sleigh.

"Oh my god!" I screamed, falling onto my knees to hug one. They were fluffy and the coziest thing to hug. "They're adorable."

"They're active today. Come on up," the man gestured for us to get on the sleigh. He stood on the back of it while one person could fit on the sleigh. Grayson pulled me over, sitting down and allowing me to sit between his legs.

The sleigh ride was not like anything I've ever experienced before. It was scary and fun all at once and the fact that I was smushed right between Grayson's strong legs made it even better. At first I thought we might be travelling with no destination in mind. But the longer we stayed on, I began to see this huge wooden lodge where the huskies were pulling us to.

"Welcome to Palazzi Luxury Spa Retreat," the gentleman behind us spoke. Through the front doors of this huge building came these two women with white dresses. Hoping to not make them stand out here too long, I hurried off of the sleigh.

"Mr. Astor, Mrs. Astor," they greeted us both, as my eyebrows rose up at them using that name. It was the first anyone had used it on me and after we get married it would officially be my last name. "Please come in. We have the retreat waiting for you. Today will be a day filled with relaxation."

"Say less," I skipped as I followed them into the lodge.

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