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Its updated you loyal readers of this fic that i threw together from my ass!! Its now going to gain momentum and not be slow!! 


thats if uni doesnt strangle me first. happy readings ♥

- Fignewtons


It wasn't Jack Morrison. You could immediately tell by the way he spoke and held you. He wouldn't ever say that, nor would he kiss you. You were certain of that. Immediately, you shoved the thing back, the haloform now finally fizzling out and you ran through to where it had come from. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and the sun was rising ever higher in the day and making it rather hot. You halted in your tracks, having erupted into a small courtyard and a cliff off to the side with high metallic guard rails. Bushes accented the area, and in the center something you didnt want to see.

Your heart seemed to stop, looking over the cracked and chipped mask and visor. It was the only trace of him left and time for you to head back was now. It was orders to go home- you couldn't find him. Your body and heart ached within. Slowly, you trailed over and picked up the mask. What would Reaper want with him? Why did you have to be the one with this problem? Jack would know what to do! Everything inside you wanted to scream, shout, cry and give up. All your life you've begged to be spared, to live... Its about damn time we fight for ourselves, you thought to yourself bitterly, closing your eyes and feeling warm tears stray down your cheeks as you held the mask to your chest.

Your body carried you back through the corridors and finally out to the extraction point. You were silent, now climbing up a ramp and onto a plane. It was like a drop ship, but something on a minuscule level. It was like time sped up- you were zoned out and silent and not responding to anyone. Everything seemed so distant until finally Angela snapped you out of your trance.

You were gripping the mask tight, your tears still falling and your senses picking up the fact you were now inside home base. Genji, Zenyatta, and even Hanzo were waiting for your arrival with your mentor. Your eyes turned up to the doctor, lips pursing slightly as you swallowed nervously. You then looked to the people you called your friends. The soft thud of your heart just started to turn rapid and a soft hiccup escaped into the air. 

"Talon has him," was all you could mutter. The mask that was pressed against your breast was now dropped and clattered at your boots, servos hanging at your sides. Your heart ached with pain and you just couldn't stop. You were sobbing. There was just tears streaming down your cheeks and your lips trembling and body beginning to shake. You were supposed to protect your mentor- to be at his side. 

But within your stubbornness with the omnics, you kinda fucked up part of the mission. You wounded yourself- unable to become combat ready. Your ugly crying turned into a form of hot, sweaty tears and you turned and punched the wall nearest to you. An anguished cry tore your vocals, and your brows furrowed. Why did life have to be a bitch? 

Angela slowly approached you, grasping your shoulder and slowly pulling you into a hug. Her head settled to yours, hiding your face into her neck as her brows furrowed upwards with worry. "We'll get him back __(Y/N)__," she whispered softly.  Oh __(Y/N)__, she thought solemnly. 

Reaper stood tall, his chest slightly puffed out as he overlooked the man he once worked side by side with. His head tilted, eyes drifting towards his scientist. Moira was hunched over her work, beginning to shift Jack's jacket and now working on his skin. Whatever she was doing was certainly not entertaining. Sombra's endless rants about what plugs into where on the wifi router was more entertaining than this.

His white mask turned, watching as Sombra produced him a photo of __(Y/N)__. He clutched the photo in his clawed hands, looking over it with a deep red gaze. His lips were curled to a soft frown, now taking in every detail of what was you in that photo. You were about 15 in that photo. You had braces, an awkward smile and just covered head to toe with long length-ed clothing. However, it didnt fool Gabriel Reyes. He could see the peaking of the scars that decorated your skin.  

If they didnt carry so much terrible memories with those scars, he would almost dare to say to himself about how beautiful they are. 

His body swiveled, soon setting the photo onto Jack's clothed chest and gave a soft grunt.

 Moira stopped what she was doing, staring at her superior. 

"I want him to forget her. Make her feel the pain," Gabriel uttered softly. It was barely laced with regret; Moira could sense it, eyes narrowed in the slightest before looking to her experiment. 

"As you wish," she flatly stated. 

With that, Gabriel's bootsteps alerted those in the room he had left the vicinity. This left Sombra to shuffle forward, looking over Jack and then the photo. She knew about your story- about how rejected you were. She was lucky enough she could use her hacking abilities to move up faster in the slum filled world. But you- she pitied you. You had to be thrown in the world of pain and torture and even now you were living in that same world. If she could have alerted the plans a bit better to even give you an ounce of hope and love- she would. 

But alas- ever since her fuck up in Volskya Industries, she had to keep careful watch. 

Her dark gaze shifted from the photo to where Gabriel's vast back disappeared through the doors. What are you going to teach her Gabriel? 

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