Chapter Ten

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When I finally fell asleep it was well past midnight. I couldn't have slept for more than five hours I'm certain before Phoebe came barging into my room in the early hours of the morning.

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead," she calls in a shrill girly voice bouncing on her feet to the window and pulling the curtains open. The window let in a mountain of light filling the room brightly. I groaned loudly in bed gripping the blanket to me in annoyance.

"Up, up, up!" She cries scurrying over to my bed and falling onto it.

I shoved the blanket off and squinted at her annoyed.

"What can a girl do to get some sleep around here?" I question.

"Good morning," Phoebe replies grinning, "I heard about your leg and I've come to rescue you."

"Rescue me some more hours," I grumble throwing the blankets back over my head.

"No, can't do," Phoebe says tugging at my blanket, " it's ten o'clock sleepy head, Blade will be here in an hour, unless you've changed your mind."

"I haven't," I grumble releasing the blanket and letting Phoebe tug it away.

She helped me to my feet and steered me to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a quick rinse in the shower before getting out. Phoebe was waiting in my room clothed in a Hawaiian tiny dress and sandals. She had laid out clothes on the bed waiting for me.

"For the love of God, can you organise your closet," she whines, "it's like a jungle in there."

"If I organise it how would I find my stuff?" I chuckle.

Phoebe rolled her eyes.

"I've decided you should wear this yellow bikini," she says with a grin, "you'll look sizzling hot."

I approached her, not necessarily hopping but walking stiffly, and took up the yellow bikini.

"Did you happen to see a shirt that looked like Blade's in there?" I question.

"I don't know," she responds, " I couldn't tell anything apart in that hot mess of a closet."

I chuckled, " there's this white shirt in there that belongs to him, find it for me," I mumble.

She grinned and walked to my closet throwing around the clothes inside.

I slipped into the bikini she'd chosen. I'd never worn it before. I had been waiting for the right time to do it. When Phoebe was finished searching she brought me the shirt. I slipped into it and pulled my hair up into a high ponytail. The shirt reached my thigh and I pulled on converse with it. I rolled the sleeves up and gave the end of the shirt a little knot making it hug my body sexily. Phoebe looked ready for a long romantic walk on the beach I looked ready for a beer party. Phoebe tossed an outfit into my satchel and I got my massive pink towel and sunglass. Victor had already left for work, Helen as well. Only Phoebe and I accompanied with Adam and Brett were at the house and both of them were too busy to notice us. In the kitchen, I poured some cereal and milk into a Ziploc bag while Phoebe raided the kitchen for food she could add to the bag she had packed with food.

"It's only the beach you know," I mutter, "we aren't moving out."

"Trust me if I was moving out, it wouldn't look like this," she responds.

All packed and ready, I sat at the island with my cereal. Brett was driving his car and Phoebe and Adam were travelling with him. He had some girl with him as well, I didn't know her but I suspect Phoebe did. I watched from the door while Phoebe packed their bags into the trunk.

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