Chapter Eighteen

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By the time I'd left work, I was exhausted. I lay sprawled in bed all evening with my music and a pack of Oreo cookies eating. The time on my cellphone read 7:44 PM in huge prints. Twice I'd let my cellphone slip and knock me in the face. The first weekend of the new school year and I was all by myself. Phoebe was going to the stupid party because she claimed she didn't harbour any bad blood with Perri then she backtracked and claimed she'd go and stalk her. Imagine Phoebe stalking Perri in her own house. I didn't protest if Phoebe wanted to be my eyes and ears so be it. I didn't want to hear the song that was playing so I skipped it and frowned. None of the music seemed like anything I'd want to hear. For a couple of minutes, I skipped mindlessly through my playlist in the dark. My bedroom door slipped open and a mountain of light streamed inside. I looked up at the person standing in the light then pulled my earbuds out of my ears.

"Why aren't you dressed?" Blade asks before he entered the room and closed the door behind him.

I sat up on the bed and clapped and the lights came on. He sauntered over to the bed all decked out in a simple yet hot outfit, looking like an angel on a runway in the garden of Eden.

"Dressed for what?" I asked as he reached the bed and sat.

"You're my date for the party," he says, "would you not want to be on my arms tonight?"

I frowned.

"I'm not going," I reply sticking the earbuds back into my ear.

He waited until I had stuck them in then he reached a hand out to me and pulled them out. I frowned as he took both my cellphone and earbuds away and held onto to them.

"Why not?" He questions.

I sighed.

"I hate parties."

"That's not true," he says.

"Is it not?" I asked staring into his deep green eyes.

"No, it's not sweetling," he says and dropped my cellphone into his pocket then got up"what would I be without my princess on my arms."

I rolled my eyes, "sweet-talking me won't coerce me into going Blade."

"I was hoping my sexiness coupled with my dazzling smile will get your heart to do weird things and mesmerize you into going," he says.

Blade gave his best bad boy, sexy Grecian smirk, ran his tongue across his lips then fired a smile at me. My heart did a million backflips then the moonwalk in my chest but based on my expression you'd never guessed it.

"Still suffering from a massive ego," I say frowning.

"What's an ego?" He asks, "it's just a word boring people like you use to describe, perfect charming creatures like me."

"Oh please," I scold, "there's no such thing as perfect."

"There is," he responds, "just look right here, babe."

"Whatever Blade, I can out perfect you without batting an eye."

"Oh really," he says hoping for a challenge, "then prove me wrong by letting the people at the party decide who's more perfect."

I rolled my eyes.

"Unless you're scared you'll lose," he goads.

"You're on punk," I say staring him in the eye.

His brow rose to an awkward angle then he reached a hand out to me.

"Shake on it," he says.

I looked from his hand to him trying to resist taking it. When I finally reached out my hand to take his, he yanked me forward, lifted me into the air and tossed me over his shoulder. I gasped and he spun me around and laughed. When he stopped the floor was spiralling around in circles below. Still perched over his shoulder he marched me over to my closet swinging like a ragged doll. He set me down and I began to search through my closet. I'd tried on five different outfits and took it off. Every time I asked Blade his opinion on the outfit all he did was shower me with compliments which didn't help. The sixth outfit I pulled out was a skin-tight denim dress. With the dress, I added a choker and paired it with sneakers.

The Bad Boy Is Mine जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें