Chapter Fifteen

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Heavy rains, hammered on my bedroom window. Frowning I pulled the blanket up to my face and slept peacefully. When I finally woke again it was 7'o'clock and Helen was banging down on my door. I ignored her at first, but she kept banging. When I didn't respond she stopped banging. I fell back into a reverie. The door flew open and her steps stomped across the room to the bed and rained down ice-cold water on my back. I gave a shrill cry and bolted upright in bed, my heart plummeting in my chest.

"What did you do that for woman?!" I yell.

"Oh look you're up," she says sassily.

I heaved in bed, the chill from the water was almost like a sharp stab. Helen gave a whirl and marched from the room holding the small bucket. She left the door open and I gave a scream and rolled from the bed falling like a sack of potato on the floor.

The drive to John Wickerman was frustrating. Despite wearing jeans, sneakers a hoodie and a coat, I was still a little chilly. The parking lot looked like a ghost had passed through, it was that empty, only cars were parked out there. I found a parking space and killed the Beetles engine. I used the sleeve of my sweater to wipe the frost away from the glass and spotted through the rain a couple in the car next to the Beetle making out behind the steering wheel. Scoffing I turned away and glanced at the other side. Only when the morning bell rang and the rain seemed relentless did I get out of the Beetle and head to the main building. Annoyed, I walked down the corridor slightly damp.

"Secret!" A voice squeals loudly.

Hailey came running up to me grinning and clutching a shirt in her hands.

"It's raining outside and still you find the energy to be this happy," I grumble and she giggled happily.

"I never hated the rain," she reveals with a smile.

I stared at her and had to fight from frowning.

"Sometimes it's hard distinguishing you from Phoebe," I complain loudly, "doesn't being bubbly and happy ever get you two exhausted."

"No," Hailey says in her pretty voice, "if you stopped being so grouchy all the time Secret you'd be so much more pleasant."

I scoffed softly, " pleasant? I think not."

Despite my reproach, Hailey still wore the biggest grin I'd ever seen, stretching ear to ear. Her hair was pulled back into a slick ponytail. She was wearing black jeans and a jacket and a similar shirt to the one she was clutching.

She shoved the shirt into my hand and I took it.  The shirt was white and I held it high to have a better look at it. On the front of the white shirt was a photo stretching from breast to navel of Hailey wearing one of her huge, pretty smiles. She was way more photogenic than I'd ever stopped to think. Just like Phoebe she could pass for a model and sit on every magazine cover from Cosmopolitan to Vogue. Slowly my brow rose to an awkward position and I spoke.

"What's this?" I mumble without thinking about what I was asking.

"It's yours," Hailey says still grinning, but that didn't answer my question.

"Thanks..." I say awkwardly, "but why?"

Hailey flashed me a winning smile.

"I entered the John Wickerman Pageantry silly," she reveals, "and you're on my campaign team."

I choked, "your campaign what?"

"Campaign team," she repeats happily.

I stared at her dazed and speechless. When did I sign up for smiling and handing out cupcakes? Has Hailey lost it? She must have lost her marbles, honestly.

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