Fade; Rise of the Shadows

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Dedicated to @somerandomchick2001

Plot and Idea: Interesting 


Anyone can become a hero if they choose to save someone's life over theirs. You don't need superpowers.

*************************** Alecsander Reiynes has never been noticed by anyone. Everyone who sees him looks on, not noticing the scrawny brunette boy with the startling blue eyes. He's the thirteenth child of a poor household. No one, not even his own parents, payed much attention to him. At school it was no different. He always faded into the background. Unseen of. Unheard of. Then he fades. He gains supernatrual abilities and a time limit on his life. Lysander is just like him. Iris is alike the two of them but at the same time different. She's a gem in the dirt. She's the key to unlock the end of the world or to save it. She only has to choose which kind she is. This is their gripping tale of love, secrets, betrayal and hope. Together, in a drastic change of events, Alec, Iris and Lysander, even with the death bomb constantly hanging over their heads, become the answer to all of the Republic of the Royals problems. THE REPUBLIC NEEDED HEROES. SO THEY MADE THEM.

My Review: I really enjoy where you are taking this story. I have only spotted a little grammer problem in the first chapter (posses) but it does not ruin where the story iis going. Keep this up; the spacing is good, as well is the capitalization. You break down your paragrahs but thats fine it doesn't interfer with anything. Keep up what your doing, this book is very good 

Rating: 9.9 

Overall: I love this story

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