My Forbidden Ambition

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Plot and Idea: Sweet/ Inspirational

Genre: Teen Fiction


~Winner of "Best Teen Fiction" in the RBLS season one competition and top seven finalist~

Promises are meant to be kept, right?

Ever since Skyler Davidson, an ambitious girl, was young, she dreamed of becoming a singer like her mom. She believes that she lives to sing and singing lives for her. She's desperate to achieve her dream, but unfortunately, many obstacles block her path to living her dream. Her and her mother both suffer from the same heart condition which makes it difficult to even consider singing. To make matters worse, one tragic day occurred that caused this huge boulder to fall in her path.

That day her dad made her promise to never become a singer. With this, she begins to battle her dreams and her love for her dad. She is pulled towards both the relationship with her dad and her ambition which causes her to have an inner battle. Out of all this, what pains her most is to think of how will her Dad react when he finds out his only daughter broke their promise?

A story dedicated to showing the ups and downs of teenaged life. Topics such as family life, friendships, and career paths will be discussed. Written by a young teenager, for teenagers.

My Review: The story is very pulling and your main character keeps things interesting, but in the beginning of your disobedient chapter it doesn't make sense, because burden ends with an n not d. Anyway the grammar seems alright for the most part and the flow of your story isn't too fast which is good. The characterization is good and so is the paragraphing, but check up on that punctuation from time to time, since there are mistakes at times.

The cover to your story is beautiful and I enjoy the dialogue you have in your story, it feels very natural and unforced. Your tense and plot doesn't seem to be pushing it throughout the story, but remember not to overuse the tense shifts.The spacing is good and so is the sentencing structure throughout the story. Overall there is nothing that I can say is majorly or severely wrong with your story, just check up from time to time on that punctuation and remember to let your characters grow.

Rating: 8.7

Overall: This is a very interesting story with no major issues

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