The Entirety of Being

33 5 1


Plot and Idea: Adorable

Genre: Teen Fiction


"Maybe he sees something in you that other girls don't have." Boston turns his head to face me, and in that moment, our eyes meet. He gently tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear before quietly whispering, "I do."

Then he abruptly gets up and walks out of the room. Just like that.


Emma is a simple girl, she has one best friend and simple plans for the summer. But then she meets Boston, a mysterious boy from her past, and she's soon swept up in a whirlwind of changes that she never expected.


My Review:  Your openings are great. They keep readers intrigued and wanting more. I love your description and I love the character development. There is no problem with your grammar from what I've seen and you have great capitalization. Your paragraphing, spacing, and your punctuation are spot on. The cover is adorable and I have to say you have depth in your writing. You are doing everything right from what I've seen so. Your tense and point of view are very well established and your character interaction is amazing.

Rating: 10

Overall: I would tell anyone to give this a read!

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